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Maya sat on the train next to Riley, she was trying to keep calm and not focus how many germs she could be covering herself in. The blonde shivered at the idea and closed her eyes for a little bit before looking over at Riley who giggled softly. The brunette reached over and grabbed Maya's glasses and took them off before cleaning them. "Sorry they were filthy." Riley said, Maya could honestly hear her speak all day without getting bored. The blonde smiled softly as Riley put the glasses back onto her and blushed softly as she stared into the red and blue eyes that belonged to the other woman. "So what do you call eyes that are just blue, or brown?" Riley asked genuinely wanting to know, she leaned forward in her seat a little and turned to face the blonde.

"Ho-H-Hom-Homocr-crom-matic." Maya said shyly and Riley nodded softly and watched the blonde as she pulled out her sketch book and a pencil. The brunette ran her fingers through her own hair and pushed her hair out of her face. The blonde opened it to a random page and blushed heavily as she opened it to a sketch of Riley. She went to change the page but she froze in a panic.

"Is this me?" Riley asked and carefully slid the book onto her lap and studied it very carefully and smiled softly as she ran her fingers across the page. "This is beautiful Maya." Riley finished saying and looked up at Maya. "If you ever want to sketch me just ask me I don't mind it." Riley added and smiled at the blonde who seemed relieved that the brunette wasn't calling her a freak.

"Th-Thanks." Maya said and blushed softly as Riley went through the rest of the sketches, some with her, some with Maya, some just landscapes. "Wh-wh-when Y-y-y-ypu ha-a-ave n-no fr-fr-frie-ends y-y-you l-lea-learn t-t-to do so-som-something r-ea-really well." Maya said honestly and bit her lip nervously.

"I'm your friend." Riley said and handed Maya her sketch book and held her hand, caressing the back of it with her thumb. "I like being your friend. You teach me a lot." The brunette said honestly as she looked into Maya's crystal clear blue eyes. "Come on this is my stop." Riley said and stood up still holding Maya's hand. The blonde shoved her book in her bookbag and stood up with the brunette and waited for the doors to open.

After about 10 minutes of walking Riley and Maya were at Riley's house, which was huge. The blonde smiled softly and pushed her glasses up so they wouldn't slip off her face. The blonde looked up at Riley and smiled softly, knowing that she finally had her first real friend since 5th grade. "Y-yo-your h-h-ho-house is h-hu-uge."

"Thanks. You're welcome to come over whenever you want." Riley said honestly and swung her hand that had Maya's hand in it as well. The blonde laughed softly and walked up to the brunette's door and Riley opened the door happily and invited Maya in.

"Th-th-thanks f-f-f-for o-open-ning th-th-the d-d-do-door F-f-for me." Maya said and set her stuff down next to the door and saw two people that looked to be Riley's parents. "H-H-H-Hel-lo.. M-m-m-m-my na-a-a-"

"You must be Maya. I'm Riley's dad Cory." He said and offered his hand to shake to Maya, the blonde untangled her fingers from Riley's and shook his hand.

"Dad, let her finish her sentences please. She doesn't like when people do that." Riley said before winking at Maya and putting her stuff on the couch and stood next to Maya.

"Th-Th-tha-ank y-you R-R-Ril-ley." Maya said and smiled widely to herself.

"I'm sorry Maya, now I know." He said honestly and let go of the blonde's hand.

"I-I-I-If y-you d-d-d-do-don't mi-m-m-mind m-me as-sk-sk-sking, d-d-do y-yo-you kn-kn-know wh-wh-wh-ere Ri-iley go-got h-her d-d-d-dou-double re-re-cess-s-s-ive tr-rait ca-ausing he-her com-mpl-e-ete a-a-a-and S-s-s-sect-toral h-he-het-tro-ochrom-mea?" Maya asked while Riley's dad patiently waited for her to finish.

"She gets it from her mom's side, first one in 6 generations to have those eyes. Special one ain't she?" Cory asked and Maya nodded quickly.

She really is.

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