My Brother

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"GET YOUR HANDS OF MY BROTHER!" It wasn't Izuku's voice. It was like there were hundreds of people talking through his body.

The creature let out a screech, but he couldn't even get to finish it before Izuku was in front of him.

He immediately punched the creature with energy that caused he entire facility to shake as the windows shattered.

The ground shook and cracked under everyone, shocking both heroes and villains.

The creature was sent flying outside of the facility.

Something then fell from Izuku's pocket next to Izumo. "Z-zuko." mumbled Izumo as he attempted to stand up.

Suddenly, an energy shield surrounded both Izumo and the object. Izuku then launched forward, leaving the facility and rushing at the creature that was still flying backwards.

The creature finally reached a building and stopped after shattering the ground beneath it.

It jumped upwards to attack Izuku, only for the teen's hand to get surrounded with energy. He smashed the villain away, causing even more shockwaves that caused all of the glass near him to crack.

"NO ONE HERTS MY BROTHER!" The teen shouted again as he created an energy orb to send at the creature.

The orb started barely larger than Izuku, but it suddenly increased in size until it easily towered the buildings that he was flying above.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM." He spat out as he launched the energy forward, causing the explosion of both the creature and 3 other buildings.

Screams of terror emerged, though the teen couldn't even hear them as he got ready to rush at the creature that slowly started healing.

Suddenly, he felt a bunch of objects flying his way, but he just sent an energy blast at them, destroying them.

"Rude! My feathers!" A voice said. Izuku launched another energy blast at the source of the voice, causing the number 3 hero, Hawks, to dodge at the last second.

"Damn dude, what's wrong with you? Can't you like wait a little before trying to kill me?" The hero asked.

Izuku just let out a screech before launching forward and punching the hero away, sending him flying through a bunch of buildings.

Before he could rush at either creatures, he was also punched away through a few buildings.

"DON'T FEAR, BECAUSE I AM HERE!" All-Might made his presence known as he stood on a building close to where he punched Izuku from.

"No! We are!" The pro hero Magnetika announced.

Izuku, or whoever was controlling his body, seemed to have recognised those voices.

"YOU! GIVE ME MY BROTHER NOW!" He shouted before rushing at All-Might to punch him.

The hero quickly reacted and blocked it, but that caused another huge shockwave that extended for meters away from them

"Calm down, Izuku. Stop this immediately." Inko ordered as she sent a bunch of rocks flying at the teen.

Izuku just scoffed as he kept attempting to push the number one hero away, though All-Might also held his ground as he fought back.

Even with his eyes closed, the teen sent a huge energy blast from his torso, completely crumbling the rocks flying his way.

"That's enough." An unfamiliar voice said as someone held Izuku in place.

"Let's see how you deal with fire." The person spoke as Izuku's entire body was lit on fire.

He screeched out and attempted to break free, but All-Might punched him, sending both the teen and Endeavour backwards.

"DON'T TOUCH MY BROTHER!" Izuku shouted again.

"Wait, what?" Endeavour questioned before he felt himself freezing.

Ice encased the two. However, the ice was abnormal as it glew golden.

"What the hell is he? How many abilities does he have?" Asked Endeavour as he sent a bunch of fire at the teen.

Magnetika did the same with a bigger bunch of rocks. Hawks also joined as he sent some feathers at the teen to try and finish the final blow.

With them, All-Might rushed forward to punch the teen. However, with a swish of his wings, the teen sent everything flying away and affected All-Might's launch as he got slower while trying to fight against the wind.

"GIVE ME MY... B-b... brother." Izuku's voice lowered as the energy stopped flowing around him, and he fell downward, unable to move.

The heroes turned around to see, only to find Aizawa with his quirk activated and Izumo standing next to him scratch free while clutching onto a gold piece.

"Is that the villain that entered the school?" Endeavour questioned as he flew downwards.

"No... that's a student." Aizaea answered, shocking the number 2 and 3 heroes.

"Never knew you were this funny, Eraserhead. We should definitely go on a mission together." Hawks mumbled as he walked forward with his hand in his pockets.

"I don't joke." The hero coldly said.

"No way -" Hawks stated.

"Are you trying to say that a student just fought against the 4 top pro heroes?!" Endeavour asked.

"That's not him. He would never cause this much damage. It's like something controlled him when he saw his brother hurt." Aizawa noted as he looked at Izumo.

"Hurt?" Questioned the number 3 hero.

"He healed me." Izumo immediately answered.

"Well, how about we talk later? He's still there somewhere." Spoke Inko.

The rest of the heroes all frose at that before rushing towards where Izuku fell, only to notice golden energy flowing out of his body.

"He still has stamina?!" Hawks mumbled as he tried stepping forward.

Aizaea immediately stopped him, however. Suddenly, energy exploded out of Izuku's body.

"Stop him!" Shouted All-Might.

But before Aizawa could do anything, the energy spread around as everything started returning to its previous state.

The rubble was surrounded with golden energy for a few seconds until they started levitating and taking form. Every crack around slowly closed as the area seemed to return to its original state before he destroyed it.

Even the buildings that weren't destroyed got fixed as the windows' cracks disappeared, and so did any damage that was caused.

"He's fixing everything!" Endeavour shouted.

"Almost." Aizawa answered as he pointed at the damage done to his body.

"He's fixing the damage he caused." Izumo added. "Even when he isn't awake, he would never accept causing this much destruction." Izumo mumbled as he walked towards Izuku and sat down next to him.

His eyes skightly teared up as he held his brother and placed the golden piece on his chest.

It was a necklace in a heart shape. Inside the heart was a picture of both brothers. It was the necklace they shared.

"So all of that happened because his brother was hurt?" Hawks asked, still confused.

Aizawa nodded at him. Izumo just held his brother close to his body as he slightly sobbed.

"So you do care about me, baby brother."

Hope you enjoyed reading. Tell me what you think so far :)

Please don't forget  to vote and comment, as they really give me a push to continue <3

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