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"We might, actually."

"Momo! Hi there!" Izuku shouted as he waved.

"Hey." Hawks mumbled.

Izuku stared at him, confused as to why he was so dry, but didn't question it due to the girl's presence.

"Hello! How are you two? Hope you're feeling better, Izuku-san." The girl said with a smile as she placed a bag on the stand next to Izuku's bed.

"I'm perfectly fine! A little sore and sleepy from the energy drain, but I'll manage." Izuku enthusiastically answered, his boyfriend only nodding at that.

"Great, then let me get right to it. Before Bakugo was captured, I managed to place a piece of him that will allow me to track him down using this device." She spoke up as she handed Izuku a small device the size of a mobile.

"Do you have the pros' permission?" Hawks asked.

Izuku and Momo both froze at that, the former hoping that she wouldn't be honest.

"Of course! I would never do anything without the pro's permission. That's irrational." She spoke, making Izuku sigh.

"Yeah, Momo-san is really organised and always has well thought-out plans and stuff." Izuku added, making Hawks nod, thought a scowl was visible on his expression.

"Thank you, Izuku-kun." The girl chuckled, making the boy smile back while the pro looked away, his eyes rolling.

"Well, I would have loved to continue chatting, but I have work to do. I'll keep you informed if anything happens." She stated, making the boy nod.

"Okay, then, excuse me. See you soon!" She stated as she stood up and turned to walk away.

"See you!" Izuku answered.

"Hopefully not." Hawks had mumbled, only Izuku managing to catch it.

The girl walked away, leaving the 2 alone.

"I'll see if I can get you out." Hawks stated, making Izuku look at him with wonder.

"What's wrong, Kei? Did I do anything?" Izuku questioned.

"We'll talk once we're home." The man dryly answered as he stepped out of the door.

Izuku let out a sigh and looked down at his hands. He really didn't want his boyfriend acting that weird, but it's not like he did anything wrong.

He turned to look at the bag that Momo brought and immediately opened it.

He smiled a little at what was inside it as he got it out.

It wad a small white teddy bear with a heart-shaped box and a small card.

He opened the box and smiled to himself as he saw a bunch of chocolates in different shapes and sizes.

He then opened the card and quickly started reading through it.

"Dear Izuku
This may not be as formal as I would like it to be, but you have mentioned that you don't like formalities, so I'm writing whatever comes to mind.
Wishing you a fast recovery! You're honestly a truly amazing, powerful, inspiring person, and I'm glad that I get to be your friend. Back in the finals, Todoroki-san and I both managed to do our best because we knew that you would. We knew that you would win, and we wanted to follow in your steps and do the same. We all look up to you and respect you, and we're sorry if we don't show it as much. We love you so much, and once again, fast recovery best friend ♡"

The boy smiled at the entire thing before he neatly put everything back in the bag and placed it on the stand.

He stood up and stretched for a second, still feeling soar. As he did that, the door was opened, and Hawks stepped inside.

"We can leave." The man said.

Izuku stared at him for a second, and the man stared back. Both pairs were dull, Izuku's only showing the slightest bit of confusion.

The boy nodded and took the bag before walking away, heading towards the older one.

They silently left the hospital and flew away, heading towards Hawks's place.

Once there, Hawks opened the door and stepped inside, Izuku following soon.

Almost on queu, Keigo rushed at him, smashing their lips together and holding his waist.

Izuku's eyes widened for barely a second before he kissed him back, causing his hands to wrap them around the man's neck.

Keigo kept pushing him backs they kissed until Izuku was pinned against the wall, his entire body under the man's hold.

He broke the kiss and looked down at Izuku, the latter looking up at him with glowy eyes and blushing cheeks.

"You're mine." The man said before kissing him again.

That's when Izuku realised why Hawks had dome all that dry drama. The realisation just made Izuku roll his eyes as he kissed back.

'Protective jealous bird.' He giggled to himself.

Safe to say, the next few hours went on similarly with Keigo complaining about the girl while Izuku reassured him of the nature of their friendship.

There wasn't any more time for them to waste, though, as Izuku had to leave to the school where the Kachan rescue mission's, as Izumo had called it, members would be meeting.

"I have work to do, but keep me updated." Hawks had ordered, receiving a nod from the rushing teen.

Once Izuku reached the school, he was met with his brother, Shouto, Kirishima, Iida, and Momo.

"Hey guys... didn't expect you to be here, Iida-kun." Izuku spoke, his head tilted.

"Dear friend, I wouldn't have joined. In fact, I was against this idea as its absolutely irrational and not as thought-out as it should be. Deciding to go on such a mission without the pro heroes is as dumb as one would think. We're repeating what I did with the hero killer." Iida ranted back.

Izuku nodded at that. The boy wasn't lying; the mission was pretty reckless and dangerous, but they were hero students, so what do they do besides reckless and dangerous? About nothing.

"And why did you agree on joining us, then?" He asked with a smirk.

Iida's face flushed a little before he looked away.

"You and Izumo-san have saved my life and helped me and pushed me forward beyond explanation. Remaining with you is the least I could do." He answered.

Izuku only nodded at that, still smirking at the boy while his brother rolled his eyes.

"All right, enough chit-chat, let's get going!" Izumo shouted.

"Yeah... let's go."

Izuku Yagi : The Avatar Of The Gods / HawksdekuWhere stories live. Discover now