Adapting, Starting

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Living with Hawk was... something.

The man was always busy, which was understandable cause he's a top pro hero, but Izuku never realised how busy he was until he spent some days under the same roof as him.

The man would wake up, rarely have breakfast, head to the HPSC to get his reports and missions and then travel from city to the other and place to the other while solving missions and reporting to THE HPSC until really late at night where he'd return, eat any thing he can buy, and then sleep for barely a few hours.

"I want to create a society where heroes have free enough time on their hands." Made sense to Izuku after a long time of wondering what it meant.

That wasn't the only weird part about living together, though. Izuku was always really conserved. He always cares about every small detail and attempts remaining alond.

Keigo respected that, but he still wanted to always be with his boyfriend and to show him that he was there to help.

"I can take off my shirt alone, Kei." Izuku had giggled when the man helped him take off the uniform he was in.

"Can't have my boyfriend doing all the work." Hawks answered as he kissed his forehead, making the boy roll his eyes at him.

"Never took you for such a softy, Kei." He giggled as he laid his arms around the man's shoulders.

"Oh, trust me, I'm not. It's just that you're way too pretty, Angel. Can't have all that beauty under stress."

A lot more came from where that came from, and Izuku could honestly barely take it.

"I'm worried for tomorrow. If anything happens, my 'full angel' can't last for more than 6 minutes, and I'm worried that something might happen." Izuku exclaimed.

"It's fine, Angel. It's just a summer camp. Also, you're just there to train. I'm sure nothing will happen. If anything does happen, you can always call me if the necklace doesn't tell me first, that is."

The boy was slightly relieved at the hero's words, but he still felt like he wasn't at ease.

The following day, the students of 1A and 1B were standing in the parking lot where their teachers were explaining the summer camp as a whole.

"You should be taking these days as an opportunity for you all to go past your limits and reach new levels." Aizawa had told them.

Most of the class had nodded at that, excited to start their journey.

"I heard some of class 1A are taking extra courses. Does that mean they failed?! That would be so embarrassing, especially since you're supposed to be better than us! You must be full of shame!" Appeared the voice of Monoma out of nowhere.

Izuku turned to look at him, making the cafeteria students gulp slightly.

"As class rep, I must say that I'm glad you're not in the same position as I am in your class. It would be embarrassing to everyone present there." Izuku had said.

Monoma was about to answer, but he was immediately dealt with when Itsuka Kendo chopped his neck, knocking him out.

"Thank you, Kendo-san!" Izuku had shouted with a smile, receiving one in return.

"Alright, everyone. I'd say to calmly enter the bus, but we're all way too excited. SO, LET'S GET THIS SHIT STARTED!" Exclaimed the boy.

YEAAAAH!" Cheers spread from everyone, including 1B.

The 2 classes entered their respective busses and immediately took off, excitement obvious in the air.

And while 1B were chatting, 1A were a completely different story, as they were all singing and playing games while taking their minds off of studying.

Izuku Yagi : The Avatar Of The Gods / HawksdekuWhere stories live. Discover now