Rescue Training

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Returning from their internships was pretty weird for all of the students, yet none of them took it as deep as Izuku.

"It's not like any of them had to kiss their respective pro hero." He had whispered to himself.

He couldn't tell anyone, not even Izumo, about what happened with Hawks. He couldn't cause the man any issues with the HPSC, so they both decided to keep what they had ,whatever it was, to themselves.

Now, while sitting in class, the students were all discussing their adventures once again, as though they hadn't been discussing them for the weeks that followed after the internships were done.

The most prominent topic between all of them, though, was Izuku, Izumo, and Iida's adventure against Stain.

Iida had thanked Izuku repeatedly, both for saving him and for healing his brother, which made Izuku repeatedly tell the boy that he didn't need to keep doing that.

However, the training never stops for hero students, even when they're not in their internships, which is why all of the students of 1-A were in the training ground Gamma, hearing All-Might explaining their hero basics training.

"NOW the! Listen carefully for the rules of this race rescue training. This training ground is ground Gamma, and it's full of different buildings, factories, and intricate pathways that will ensure that you can't move around as freemy as you wish to. Each group will be made of 5 members who will start in different places in the field. I will play the role of the victim and send a cry out for help. The first to find me wins!" The hero had ranted.

Everyone stared wide-eyed at him, un awe of the new training exercise idea.

"Oh, yeah, please try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum." The hero added as he stared at Izuku.

"I only destroy stuff when I'm out of control. It's not me you should be looking at." Izuku spat back as he flapped his wings, starting to levitate while waiting for his team to be picked.

His team was finally picked after a few minutes, and disappointment was ab understatement of what he felt.

He expected to be put against Bakugo and Todoroki, both of which had abilities useful for such exercises.

Instead, he was placed against Ojiro, Iida, Mina, and Sero.

Not that anything was wrong with them, but he just wanted more competition.

"Hey, Izuku! We all trained really hard after the sports festival, so don't overlook us!" Mina said with a smile while the other students nodded their heads.

"Sure won't!" Izuku smiled back as he git ready.

"NOW IF EVERYONE IS READY... BEGIN!" All-Might shouted as he pressed a button that let out a loud horn sound.

All of the students rushed, each using their quirk to boost themselves forward, besides Izuku, who stood still.

He let out a breath as energy surrounded him, his halo appearing in the process.

"Is that-" Izumo's word was cut off as Izuku took off, leaving a shochwave that shattered the stage he was on.

He flew forward, leaving an energy beam behind as his wings flapped furiously.

As everyone stared with wide eyes, Izuku followed his senses until he found All-Might.

Once above him, the teen rushed down, causing another shockwave that shattered the ground beneath him and sending All-Might flying backwards slightly.

"What the fu -" Bakugo's shock wasn't allowed to shine as everyone cheered for their classmate, shouting in support.

"That shockwave would have sent any civilian flying, hurting them gravely." All-Might spat as he recovered from his shock.

Izuku Yagi : The Avatar Of The Gods / HawksdekuWhere stories live. Discover now