Teach Me How To Flirt

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As I walked to meet with the rest of the Illuminati in the front of the theater a lot of things ran through my mind. The first guy to be interested in me is a cheater. A cheater for chrissake! There's no need to be sad about somebody who obviously isn't good enough for any girl. With his lying ways, and his egostistic personality. Not to mention how he always has to have the last word. How would a relationship workout? You'd have to sit there and stare into his beautiful brown eyes while you cuddled 24/7. Wait...what was I ranting about again?

Once I sat down, nobody asked where Jace was or why he didn't come back. They knew not to ask questions when I was pissed off; I couldn't help it. I'd just snap. Veronica was new though and she didn't realize anything was wrong.

"Hey Syd, could you come over here a moment?" she asked quietly while jesturing to a seat three rows back. Everyone was suprised that she even asked me to move knowing how lazy I am.

"Ooooor, everybody else could just move away." I said, not asking, but commanding. They did as I said though. They didn't want a recap of the last time. Don't worry, there won't be a flashback.

Once everybody moved, Veronica cheerfully whisper-yelled, "Oooo! Me and that Devin kid are flirting up a storm! I think he likes me. You think you could talk him up about me?"

I turned and gave her a blank stare, "Ok, first of all, his name is Devooooon." I said, putting emphasis on the o's sounding like ahhhs. "He gets really sensitive about people not saying it right and second of all, I guess I'll think about it."

"Ewwww. What's your problem Syd? What happened back there?"

"You remember Jace saying he wanted to talk?"


"Well he didn't want to talk to set our next date or anything. He wanted to tell me that he couldn't see me anymore because he has a girlfriend. He practically begged me to go out with him and just when I started to like him, he tells me he has a girlfriend. What the fuck is up with that?"

"Double ewwww. So, what are you going to do about it?" she asked as the bell rang. 

I sighed. "I don't know....revenge?"

The corners of her lips turned into a devilish smile, "I love it."


Classes dragged on on this horrible Monday. Luckily I didn't have any other classes with Jace considering he was a grade above me. Red continued to question me about plans, but I just wasn't in the mood. For anything.

Once I got home, I dropped my bags and jacket in the dining room and walked up to my room. The walls were a plain white because we couldn't paint. We were only renting the house, but that didn't mean that I didn't add some personality to it. Light were strung acroos the ceiling for a movie night, party, or just after watching a scary movie and being afraid of the dark. In one corner was my desk which I also used to do my hair. Dance posters and tickets to shows were hung all around.

The floor, though, had shoes flung anywhere and everywhere. I was always too lazy to actualy line the up neatly. I guess I should have listened to my mother's scolding because in my grogginess, I trpped of a shoe and was falling to my death. Too dramatic? Ok, I fell onto the bed which felt like heaven. I immediately got under the warmth of my comforter to take an after school nap. It was much needed with the headache I had.



My ringtone went off for the umpteenth time. I tried to ignore it, but it eventually got to me. My eyes shot open as I thought of the memories that went with the ringtome still blasting. Before I got to this school, my best friend Tess changed my ringtone to that annoying song. I never changed it though because it reminded me of her everytime it played.

My phone had been blowing up. 20 missed calls. 40 text messages. All from Veronica except one text from Jace that simply said, "I'm sorry. :/"

I was more worried about what was with Red. The other 39 messages were of her asking if I was awake, then saying she had the perfect idea, then asking what my adress was so she could come over.




Are you awake?




I have a plan!

No seriously get up.

I finally called her back. "You called?"

"You finally picked up! OH EM GEE! Let me come over! I have the perfect plan for you to get Jace back!" she squeled.

"But I don't want him back." I explained.

"That's obviously a lie. You like him and he likes you! Now text me your address and I'll be over soon!"

I text her my address then looked around my room at the shoes and clothes on the floor. Shit. Gotta clean.


"Ok, I don't know why you didn't think of this earlier! All you have to do is make him jealous and he'll come running back to you!"

"Well, how do I that?" I asked. "Not that I'm saying I will though." I quickly added in.

"Flirt with other guys while he's around and pretend like this whole girlfriend thig doesn't bother you. Easy as 1, 2, 3!" she replied, sounding like a late night infomercial.

"Well, there's just one teenie, tiny, problem to your scheme."

"And what's that? It's perfect!"

"I have no idea how to flirt." I replied nonchalantly.

She spit out the soda I had given her earlier, choking on the fizz. "You say what now?! What do you mean you don't know how to flirt? You're killing me Smalls."

"Well just what I said?" I replied.

She sat there for a moment contemplating what the next move was. She looked up all of a sudden and I could pratically see a light bulb floating above her head. "I'll teach you!"

Now I was the one choking on my drink. "You'll do what now?"

"I'll teach you how to flirt!" 

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