Mr. Randall

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This chapter is dedicated to @Blackthorn00009 for being the first read/comment/vote on this book! Oh and for recommending this story to her friends! Follow her lead....

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"Mom! Can Sydney sleep over tonight?!" Allie yelled from her room.

"But it's a school night Allison!" her mom yelled back.

"Just let me do the talking Allie. Your mom loves me!" I said as we walked up the stairs to the kitchen. "I'll just pull out my sweet little girl voice and puppy-dog face."

Her mom was making dinner. Red-beans and rice and man did it smell good! 

"Please Momma Nelson! My mom has agreed to it and we won't stay up late! I proooomise!" I said with my little girl voice.

"Fine. And lend her some clothes for tomorrow Allison!"

"I know that mom!" Allie said as we made our way back downstairs to her room. The best thing is that she gets the whole bottom floor to herself. Her bedroom, a bathroom, a vanity room, and a living room type space.

"God. I hate my name. Why can't she call me Allie like everyone else?” she said once the door was closed.

"But I love your name dear!" I said.

"So does Jason." she responded with a smile. 

Allie and Jason are so in love and you can tell by just the way they say each other’s names. That's what I want. I want that true, real love that they have. They really are a dream couple. 

"Alright! Enough of all this lovey dovey stuff! Let's get started!"

The whole night we talked about guys while blasting music. It was mostly a one sided conversation of Allie talking about who I should date. I chimed in with the occasional, "No," or "Eww! Gross!" 

"Well, you know there is this new guy coming tomorrow. I hear he's super cute." she hinted.

"New kids who are super cute always end up being the doucebags who try to take my V-Card." I replied with an annoyed tone.

"Okay! Subject changing....NOW! What movie do you want to watch?" Allie always knows when I don't want to talk about something and I'm so grateful for that!

"We both know that I don't even have a choice Allie." I said, humor in my voice.

"Whatever do you mean?" she said in the worst lying tone I've ever heard. But by then I was already up and popping in The Phantom of the Opera (her favorite movie)

"Yes! I'll go get the popcorn!"


I woke up with Allie still asleep. 

"Allie!" I whisper-yelled. "Wake up! I'm hungry!"

"Go make some yourself then." she groaned and turned away from me. 

"INCOMING!" I yelled and attacked her. "I want to go make some coffee from your beautiful Keurig machine!"

"Why can't you do that yourself?" she said, fully awake now.

"Because I don't want to get raped by your pedophile brother Allie." I said  so she heard every word.

Ok, Allie's brother isn't really a pedophile...I hope. It's that he has many pedophilic features. First of all, he's twenty one and still lives at home. He doesn't have a job and stays at home all day playing video games with strangers online. The first time I came over Allie's house, he basically started to brag about the new computer he'd gotten. One time I called and he answered in the creepiest voice and said, "Hello there." So now I'm convinced that he's a pedophile.

"Fine. You getting raped isn't a this that I want to happen." she said finally.

So we went up to the kitchen and made beautiful, delicious coffee. Once I was finished we went and got dressed. The thing about it, was that it was Fabulous Friday! I attacked Allie's closet and finally put on the hottest outfit ever! She has such cute clothes! Now it was time to get to school where everyone would be talking about the kid. 


"Alright Allie. Let's go to cla-oh" I turned around to see Allie and Jason kissing. No tongue thought, thank God. Once I was really ready to go I pulled her away from him and began to walk to class with her in tow. "Goodbye Lover Boy!"

We walked into Mr. Donovan's science class right as the bell rang and sat down. That's when Donovan started teaching. Man, I hate science. It is my leeast favorite subject and personally, the most boring one. I still managed to be in the senior class as a Junior with Allie though. Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard the door open. I opened my eyes to see a very familiar face. Apparently he found mine familiar too, because he looked at me and smiled. All the girls scowled at  me and gave me dirty looks. I guess this was the new kid.

"Oh! You must be Mr. Randall! Donovan said, finally stoping his droning about the importance of saving your paper every five minutes so that blah blah blah. "There's an empty seat right next to Sydney over there! Go have a seat."

"Alright. Thanks." He said as he make his way over to empty desk to my right.

"I told you he was hot." Allie whispered next to me.

The new kid sat his stuff down and held out his hand with a smile on his face. "Hey, I'm Jace."

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 And there it is! Chapter Two: Mr. Randall! Did you expect the new kid to be him? *GASP* What if the doucebag from earlier shows back up? But what if he doesn't?! Haha always keep 'em guessing! What'd you guys think of this chapter? Oh and just 5 votes for the next chapter! Not that much right? :) Comment! Vote! Fan! (please)



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