The First Date

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Hiiii! You should seriously go check out a book called: I Survived Freshman Year. Sorry.....I'm talking too much. Now on with the date!! :D

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"Are you sure I look ok? I mean, I could just reschedule. I'm sure he won't mind." I babbled on. I'm not sure if it was because I was nervous or if I was truly worried about my outfit.

"Oh shut up! You look hot Sydney!" Allie said. "If anyone should be worried about how they look, it's me. I'm not even pretty." Did she really just say that? 

"Allie, shut the hell up. You are beautiful and it's really sad for me to see you saying that you're not." I said, tears beginning to stream. "You are gorgeous! And if anybody tells you any differently then they're stupid. Then I'll beat them up! And once I'm finished, I'll buy them a pair of glasses because their sight is obviously jacked up." 

"Yea yea, well enough about me; are you ready?" she said, holding back the emotions she was holding. 

Just then, the doorbell rang, which answered Allie's question.

"Oh shoot! I have to pee! Go let him in!" I panicked.

"Sure thing." she agreed with an evil grin on her face. Oh garsh. What was she going to do?


I didn't mind her sending me down to open the door, I had some business to take care of. I began my walk down to the door when I passed a mirror. I only got a glance of myself, but it wwas enough for me to slowly take a couple of steps back to face the monster I saw. My hair? It looked like I just had sex. Actually yea! I had sex hair! So, I quickly straightened my hair out to a decent state and opened the door to spot Jace standing there with a boquet of flowers.

"Lose the flowers. She hates flowers," I said and casually walked over to sit on the couch. When I looked over, he was awkwardly standing at the door.

"Well come sit down! I've got to talk to you anyways." I said, but began to make my way towards him instead when I realized he wasn't moving. Before he knew it, I had a grip of his shirt and had pushed him up against a wall.

"Alright, let's make this quick," I scowled. "You are about to take out my bestfriend and as her BFF I have a duty to fill. If you hurt her, I will come to your house in the middle of the night and cut off your b-" I didn't get to finish because Sydney was making her way down the stairs.

"I think you get the point." I said with a sweet smile, like nothing had just happened. "Oh hey Syd! We were just talking about you!"

"Ok? Well, we're going to get going. And don't a throw a party while I'm gone miss sex hair!" she said as she made her way out of the door.



"Are those flowers?" I inquired. "Why would there be flowers in the front yard? That's weird."

"Wow. You're right. That is really weird." Jace replied, but sort of unconvincingly. He opened the door for me and everything, like a true gentleman. The ride was awkward though. I mean, after all this time of hating him and now we're on a date?

"Soo....where are we going?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Well that, my friend, is for me to know and you to find out." he said with a smirk.

"Pweety Pweese?" I asked with my puppy dog eyes.

"Oh no! I do not fall for puppy eyes! You're gonna have to try harder than that!" he replied erupting with laughter.

"Ok, well are we almost there??" I asked. I've never been a patient person.

"We are here silly." he said as the car haulted and he got out of the car.

I looked out to see that we were at Alinea, the most expensive resturaunt in Chicago.

"Oh. My. God," were the only words I said before I promptly unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. "Jace. Jace! This is kind of expensive. We can go somewhere else...."

He turned to me with the most serious face I've seen him with. "Do you think I'm poor? Do you think I can't afford this place?"

"N-no! Of course not! I'm just saying that-" I studdered before being interuppted with laughter.

"Oh my gosh! I was just kidding! But your face was hi-larious! You should've seen it!" he said, doubled over with laughter.

"Oh shut up." I said as I walked past him and playfully pushed him.


"Ohhh! I'll have Fettuchini Alfredo! And will there be cheese I can sprinkle on it?" I asked, excited that they had my favorite dish. Jace just laughed at my enthusiasm which I returned with a playful glare.

 "I'll have the same with a Coke and she'll have a lemonade." he said handing the menus to the waitress.

"Alright I'll put that right in for you!" the waitress said and walked away.

I just continued to look at Jace with a sort of confused face. He finally noticed and asked, "What?"

"How did you know that I wanted a lemonade?" 

"Just a guess. You look like a lemonade type of girl." he said with a smile.

After about 15 minutes, the food finally came and it smelled like heaven. I dug in, but in a lady like way of course. The tables turned because Jace started to stare at me. It wasn't a confused look or a glare, but just amused. 

Shit, is there something in my teeth? I thought as I began to run my tounge over my teeth. I guess he noticed because he said with a smile, "There's nothing on your teeth."

"Then why are you staring at me?" I asked, angry that I didn't know.

"What? Am I not allowed to stare at a beautiful girl?" he said in the most unconvincing way. "Ok, ok. Come here." He leaned halfway across the table.

"You're not gonna try to kiss me again are you?" I replied, sounding suspicious.

He just reached over with his napkin and wiped some of the fettuchine sauce off of my chin. "Just for the record, you would love it if I kissed you again." he said as he finished wiping the sauce off. "Don't front."

I just rolled my eyes and finished my meal. I didn't say anything mainly because I knew it was true. Curse him and his witty come backs. 

Later the waitress came back wondering if we wanted dessert or the check. "We'll have the tiramisu with two forks please and the check with dessert."

 "Ok, you're going to have to stop ordering for me." I said, a little annoyed.

"What, did you not want tiramisu?"

"No, I love tiramisu. How do you keep knowing these things?"

"Maybe we just like the same things? Maybe it's fate working it's ways." he said with a grin.

"Oh my goodness. You are too full of yourself, you know that?"

"You must seem to like it considering you're on a date with me."

"Who even said that I liked you at all?" I responded, grining and thinking that I had won this round.

"Maybe that kiss at your house did." he replied with a wink as the dessert was set on the table. "You know, actions speak louder than words.

"Yea, yea. Just give me a fork." 

Jace: 2

Sydney: 0


Sorry for being AWOL for like a year. I kind of forgot about wattpad for a minute. Oops lol. But there's the date! I hope you guys loooooooove it! 



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