The New Girl

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"Ok. I tried being nice. Now I'm going to have to be demanding with you." a husky voice said into my ear. "Now, go on a date with me."

"No." I said, finally realizing who it was trapping me between his toned abs and the hard locker. 

"It wasn't a question." he replied.

"Oh, so you think demanding me like I'm some sort of animal is going to make me agree?"

"No, but this will." he said and rapidly turned me around to face him. He was so close that I couldn't find my breathe. His eyes, the perfect shade of brown that I could stare into for hours.

What are you thinking? Did you forget the situation at hand? I mentally slapped myself. It wasn't easy not thinking about all the things I wanted to do with him because he started to kiss the sweet spot on my neck. I tried to hold in a moan, but I faltered and eventually gave in. I felt a satisfied smile against my neck finally snapped me out.

This hooker is trying to demand me, to take control over what I'm doing and I'm not okay with that! Get yourself together Syd!

With all the force in me, I pushed him away and added a strong slap.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You think you can just push me up against a locker and I'll go on a date with you? Well buddy, I got some news for you! That's not how things work around here! Talk to me when you learn some manners!" I yelled and stormed off. I walked into the office and opened Matt's office to find him on his computer.

"I'm going home early today!" I said.

"Umm. Ok? What's wrong Syd? You wanna talk about it?" he said, looking suprised, but also sympathetic.

"No!" I yelled annoyed and went to the parking lot. I got in my black Camaro and sped off. 

I was only home for about five minutes when I heard a knock at the door.


I opened the door, saw who it was, and shut it back. It was Jace.

"Oh please! Don't be like that! I want to apologize for the way I acted. It was wrong and - could you just please let me in? This would be a lot easier if I could actually see you." he pleaded.

I finally opened the door, but to a big surprise. Jace grabbed my face and kissed me. I responded immediately and loving the sensation that his lips stained against mine. His tongue swept my bottom lip requesting entry entry and I gave in. Why was I so weak against him? 

Once he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine, eyes still closed, and said, "I'm sorry. Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me Sydney?"

"Yea, sure." I said with a quick peck and closed the door feeling satisfied with my decision. Now the next decision would be, what am I going to wear?!


On the days leading up to the date, Jace didn't really bother me as much. The only time we really talked was to exchange numbers. It was the day before the date and I still hadn't chosen what to wear, so I did the only thing that a respectable girl would do in this situation: a shopping spree with my bestie!

Allie! Emergency! We need to go shopping! Get your ass over here ASAP. 

I'll be over in 5!


"Oh my gosh! This is so boring!" Jason complained.

"Why did you even come? You can go home!" I said.

"I came because Allie asked me to come!" he snapped back.

"Well we all know who wears the pants in this relationship." I whispered to Allie and turned to Jason making a whipping motion with my hand with a little sound effect. "Whi-Chi!"

I turned to the mirror to one last look at the outfit I had put together. It was a strapless black and white dress. The top of it was all white with two think black stripes running down it. The bottom had an edgy flowery pattern on it. The top and bottom were separated with a thin black belt. I paired it with a black purse that had gold buckles and a pair of black heels that circled  my ankle. I decided I would put on a simple pair of hoops and bring sunglasses considering it was the end of May.

"You look fucking sexy," a male voice commented from behind me. I pinned his voice as exhibit number one.

"Oh my God. Not you again," I said.

"Oooooo! Let me at him! Let me at him!" Allie struggled against Jason's hold. I was suddenly thankful for his presence.

"Why do you keep showing up everywhere?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"Maybe it's fate babe." he said with a wink, eyes raking over my body like usual.

"How about you stop raping me with your eyes and go do your job you pervert."

"No. I'm fine right here, but thank you for the offer.

"Look you whore. She said leave her alone," a new voice chimed in. It was a girl this time. She looked about our age with red hair and an innocent face, but from the way she stood, you could tell she was bad ass.

"And what are you going to do if I don't sweet cheeks?" exhibit number one taunted.

So in response, the girl punched him in the face while we all gave her surprised looks. 

"What? I don't like being called sweet cheeks!" she said to us as exhibit number one held his nose in agony.

"Nice! I'm just sad I didn't get to do it!" Allie said.

"You know what? I like you. You're a cool kid. What's your name?" I said with a laugh.

"Veronica. Veronica Haywood," she said with a smile on her face.

"Hi Veronica! I'm Sydney, this is Allie and her boyfriend Jason," I said pointing to each person. "I've never seen you around though."

"Oh, I just transferred here. I'm starting school on Monday."

"Well find us in the front of the school alright around 8:15 alright? I think we're going to be good friends." I said.

"Alright, will do! Ok, well I've gotta get home so, see you around!" 

"Yup, Oh and thanks! I didn't know how to get that guy off of my back."

"I've got a name! It's Kane!" exhibit number one chimed in.

"I don't remember asking!" Veronica and I said at the same time.

"Jinx! You owe me soda," we yelled in unison again.

"Didn't you say you had to leave Veronica?" Allie said, looking annoyed.

"Umm...yea. Bye Sydney!" and with that she walked off. Allie looked jealous though.

Why would she be jealous? We're best friends! I thought to myself. But that quickly left my head and was replaced with my date with Jace tonight.

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Boop Boop A Doop! Hello there! I know, I only got 9 votes and not 10, but who gives a shit?! Not me! I wanted upload this awesome chapter! Ok, so maybe it was a boring chapter, but there's a new girl!  :) And the date is next chapter. Oh, and you no longer have to vote for me to do the next chapter! I'll just do it for shits and giggles. Ummmm....Always keep 'em guessing! What'd you guys think of this chapter? Are Jace and Sydney a good couple? Do you want more new people? Tell me what you want! lmao Ok, just feedback! :) Comment! Vote! Fan! (please)



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