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"Hey, I'm Jace." he repeated when I didn't answer the first time.

"I know. I heard you the first time. Now could you please stop talking? I'm trying to learn unlike some people." 

"Well, it looks like you're trying to sleep to me text girl." he said with a smirk.

"What did you just call me?" I said, just a little bit louder than necessary. 

"Miss. Tate and Mr. Randall! Why can I hear you talking?!" Donovan yelled, probably to try and embarrass us.

"Hmmm, I don't know, maybe because you have ears?" Jace replied with a "duh" tone.

All of the girls stared at him amazed. Whispers spread around the room saying, "Oooo! He's a bad boy! I call dibs!"

"I mean, you are the science teacher. You of all people should know how these things work." I added.

"Go to the office! Both of you! I will not tolerate back-talking in my classroom! Especially you Mr. Randall! It is your first day! I would advise you not to associate yourself with Miss. Tate anymore."

"Yea whatever. I'm just glad I got out of here before I fell asleep too Sydney." he said to me as we walked out.


The trip down to the office was horrible; Jace kept trying to get me to talk to him. 

"Oh my gosh! That was awesome! I mean, my comment was good, but yours was great!" he said enthusiastically. I don't like the kid, but he sure does know what he's talking about. We were halfway to the office when Jace stopped in his tracks. Once I noticed that he had stopped I turned around.

"What are you doing mall guy?"

"Mall guy? Why am I mall guy?" he said, with an amused look.

"Why are you stopped in place mall guy?" I said annoyed.

"Oh, this? Well, I'm not moving until you agree to go on a date with me." he replied with a look  that he knew I would agree.

"As much as I would love to go on a date with the new kid, no thanks. Looks like you're gonna be standing there for a while." I said and walked away. I was not going to start dating the new kid.


When I got down to the office, Allie was down there too. 

"What are you doing here? And how did you get here before me?" I asked.

"Snuck out. Secret route. You know, the usual," she said with a smile. "Looks like the new kid had a thing for you!"

"Why do you say that?"

"News travels around here fast! He asked you on a date?! And you declined?! Come on now! You left that poor kid standing out there in the hallway!" 

"Hey Sydney! What are you doing down here?" Matt said, coming out of his office. "Still giving teachers trouble huh?" Matt is the principal and if you haven't already figured out, I'm his favorite student.

"Oh, you know, just talking in class. But it's not even that serious! I mean, who sends a kid down to office for talking?" I said, leaving out the back-talking part of the story.

"Who sent you down?"

"Donovan." I replied with a scrunched up face, showing my disgust.

"Ewww. I hate that guy. You guys want to stay down here until lunch?" Matt asked.

"Yea sure!" Jace said, popping up out of nowhere.

"Alright! Just go on into the conference room." Matt said happily.


"Oh my gosh!" I yelled when a kid walked by with the most beautiful thing on his tray: Tater-tots. "They're serving tater-tots today! Come on Allie! Before they're all gone!" I said running up to the front of the line. People knew not to mess with me and Allie. After all, we are pretty bad ass. 

"What can I get for you?" the lunch lady asked.

"Pizza with EXTRA tater-tots please!"

"And for you?" she asked Allie.

"I'll have the same! Thank you!" And with that, we were off to our table. When we got there, there was already someone sitting down though.

"Hey text girl!" Jace said with a genuine smile, looking me straight in the eyes.

"What’s up mall guy. What are you doing at my table?"

"Well, I thought we had a great start so it'd be great for you to be my first friend! Hi friend!"

"Oh its fine you can sit here! We have plenty of room!" Allie said as I gave a 'what the fuck' look.

"Aww thanks! Looks like I've made two new friends!" Jace said. You could tell he was enjoying the fact that I was annoyed.

"Well I'm not okay with him sitting here, so this is the part where I leave. Goodbye!" I said and stormed off, with my tater-tots in hand of course. I started my way towards the roof of the school. It’s my secret place. Actually, it’s me and Allie’s secret place. Everything was going fine when on the way my tater-tots were knocked out of my hand and I was thrown up against the lockers.

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Chapter Three: Tater-tots! :D I really do love tater-tots though! What do you guys think of Jace? Who do you think knocked her up against a locker? Was it jealous girls? Always keep 'em guessing! Oh and by now, you've probabaly seen the cast and you're thinking, "Why are they so old? I thought they were supposed to be highschooolers!" Well you know what? It's really hard to have an age limit and find good actors, actresses! lmao Thanks for all the support guys! Instead of having a certain number of votes for each chapter, there will be just an overall total! Righ now we're at 8 votes. Can I have 10? :) Oh! and give me some feed back on this chapter!  Comment! Vote! Fan! (please)



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