Chapter 9

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While walking, slow walking, we talked. He told me he had never had chick fil a, but that he had relationship with food.

I already knew that, I'd spent the last year of my life learning facts about One Direction.

I also had a relationship with food. We talked about how the tour was going, and little special things about ourselves. Niall told me he was self conscious about his teeth, so he got braces. He thought maybe he would get girls if his teeth were straight.

Niall james Noran? I-N-S-E-C-U-R-E? WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! I couldn't believe it. I'd spent time on Niall's pictures, BASHING people for saying that he was ugly with braces.

So, I pretty much went tumblr girl on him, and told him I thought he was perfect.

We ordered our chick fil a and I wasn't ashamed to eat like myself in front of him. The walk back to the hotel was a giggly one. We returned and ate like men. But after the food was all gone, Niall wanted to have some milkshakes. He said he'd run back to the ice cream shop next door to the hotel. He told me he'd be back in a few. I smiled, and he left.

That's when Liam walked in, someone I didn't expect. He sat next to me, and obviously was thinking about his next words.

"Veronica, I'm sorry for choosing Danielle over you. I was wrong to do that. You're the kind of girl I need."

I was shocked...

"No Liam. I spent a year trying to accept you and Danielle, and now I finally have. I got OVER you, but you know you'll always been my first ever major crush...."

That's when I heard Niall slam the door behind him.

"You love him Veronica?"

Of course, this is just like in all the movies. The person you always liked was the one to walk in on the one you didn't like.

"Niall, no. I promise you. I promise."

Niall stepped toward Liam, his vein in his right arm bulged from his body. He looked Liam in the eyes, and threw a punch into Liam's nose knocking him backwards. Liam caught his fall with his elbows on the hard tile floor. I stood there... motionless.

Liam got up, and punched Niall in the chest. Liams nose was bleeding, obviously broken from the punch, and briuses and scratches began to appear on Niall's knuckles and forearms. They were fighting... f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g.

It finally registered that the boys were... fighting over me. And that's when I rushed in to stop the fist fight. Punches being throw like darts and the boys' bodies were the dartboards.

I stepped in between them with my arms out, screaming. But that's when I felt large, swollen knuckles strike my cheek.

I hit the ground within moments. Not being able to stand, to hear, but see.

Harry's POV:

I grabbed Liam's arm and shoved him into the bedroom for him to not hurt anyone else.

Niall was huddled next to Veronica. His lip was bleeding and his hands were bruised and swollen. Veronica's right eye was swollen shut,and her nose was letting out slow drips of blood.

Annabelle was on the hotel phone calling for an ambulance. I rushed toward Veronica.

"Veronica. Listen to me, blink twice if you can hear me..." Her eyes never moved.

"Veronica, Veronica. It's Harry. Blink three times if you can see me." Her eyes never moved. No blinks.

Annabelle dropped the hotel phone as it hit the ground with a solid thud. Everything in the room felt cold, and everything went into slow motion after that.

Tears began streaming from Annabelle's eyes. She began to crawl toward her bestfriend, laying motionless in everyone's view. I had to wrap my arms around her before she tried to attack Liam. I could feel her heart begin to race, and she was squirming trying to break free of my grasp. I couldn't let go of her, she would and practically could kill Liam for hurting Veronica. It didn't matter matter that it was most likely an accident.

Niall had a lot of strength, but not that kind of strength. It must have been Liam.


Sorry it's so short :,( been busy.

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