Am I alive?

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Lesli's p.o.v

I hear my name being screamed. Who's voice is that?  What's going on? Where am I? How in the world am I supposed to wake up?

I see a bright light then it's dark again. This is beginning to freak me out. Finally I come around. I open my eyes to realize I was dreaming. We were stopped at a gas station. Sam and Blanye were inside I guess.

They came back out and Sam sat in the front next to me. Blanye got in and kissed me softly.

"Ew get a room you two" Sam jokes and nudges my arm.

"Maybe we will when we get to wherever it is we are going" I say jokingly.

We turn on the radio and start singing along with every song that comes on. We arrived to our new house. It was nice looking and bigger than I thought it would be.

We unpack the trailer and go inside.

"Hey Les how about you get some sleep. Take your boyfriend with you"

"Stupid blonde you need sleep too."

"She knows les. Let's go lay down. Sam has a few things she wants to do."

"Okay fine"  I hug her "you better get some sleep or I just might hurt you"

She laughs a little "I will don't worry"

Sam's p.o.v

I know I should tell her but I don't know how she will take it. I'm meeting up with my boyfriend Austin. If she finds out I know she'll kill me.

I go outside and get into his car. He drives me around for a while and I finally grew up and texted les. I didn't wanna add on more lies.

"Hey les. I went out with Austin. That guy I told you I liked. Well we are going on a "date" I thought I should let you know. I'll see you tomorrow maybe"

Lesli's p.o.v.

*phone vibrates*

What the heck? Who is texting me?  I read the text a few times before I could comprehend what was being said. My best friend? On a date? There is no way.

"Blanye Sam is in a date with Austin. I told you" I chuckle a little.

"I thought you were asleep"

"I was Sam texted me. Have you even slept yet?"

"I haven't been able to. I'm worried about you. You kept tossing and turning, crying, and talking in your sleep."

I don't say anything. I scoot closer to him and look up at him. He looks down at me and we kiss. I start smiling cutting the kiss a lot shorter than it was meant to be. I lay my head down on his chest and slowly drift back to sleep.

Blanyes p.o.v.

I know Sam knows my plan about the proposal, but with everything going on should I wait? I don't want to add one more thing for her to stress about. I'm really worried about her. I keep looking down at her face just to find tears rolling down her face. She is still more beautiful than ever.

I let her sleep and I just lay there. I play with her hair and just think about the proposal and what I'm going to do.

I guess I zoned out or something because I looked down and she was gone. I got up and looked for her, but I couldn't find her. Finally I go out to the pool and she's there. She got up from the chair and hugged me.

"Good morning" she says in a quiet scared sounding voice.

"Good morning beautiful. Are you doing okay?"

"I guess. I mean I have a lot going on right now I just really need some kind of good news. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay I'd be better if I knew how to fix things for you. I hate that you are going through all of this. It worries me."

She says nothing else. I hug her for a while. I'm just gonna do it. I reach into my back pocket just to hear this load noise. I look up and she was shot. I look around but don't see anyone in sight. I put her in the car and speed to the hospital.


They take her back to her room and sent me back to the waiting room. I called Sam ten times and still no answer.

"Sam, Lesli was shot you need to get to the hospital immediately!"

Sam's p.o.v.

I called Blanye back.

"Boy you better be kidding around with me!"

"Sam I'm not joking get to the hospital please I'm freaking out!"

I hung up the phone and had Austin drive me to the hospital. I walk in to find Blanye in tears. I sat down next to him.

"Hey. So tell me how this happened."

As soon as that was said the doctor asked to talk to us in private.

"I am so sorry to inform you but..."

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