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Chapter 4

As I sat in fourth period Science, I decided that I was going to actually make more than one friend. You have no idea how boring my weekend had been, it was ridiculous. Back in Perth, I went out with friends every weekend.

"Alright so we are going to do a group project, so find yourself a partner," the teacher called out and Chris and I nodded instinctively at each other. The whole class got up and moved to the desired partner while Chris and I stayed in our seats since we were already together.

The teacher looked around at the pairs and quickly changed his mind.

"Beau and James, I don't think I'll get a finished assignment if I let you two work together," he scolded and a cheeky smirk danced across Beau's face.

"Nah, I swear you'll get one," he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in annoyance.

The teacher folded his arms and stood there for a few seconds, looking as if he was contemplating it.

"No, you know what? You can go with Mona and James can go with Chris," he said finally.

I looked at Chris mortified. I didn't want to work with BEAU!

"Come on, move. NOW!" The teacher said growing impatient and even though Beau was protesting loudly, he moved and slipped into Chris's seat while Chris sat in his.

The teacher then handed out a booklet and I read it over silently, ignoring Beau.

"Oi, let me read it too, what the fuck," Beau snarled, and pulled the booklet closer to him.

I highly doubt that he even wanted to read it but just wanted to be difficult and annoying. I wasn't going to pick a fight; not in science anyway so I just read it over his shoulder. As I read further I realised it wasn't actually an assigned task but more of a choice to do whatever you want.

It was a science fair and it was worth half our grade. Great!

"So what do we have to do?" Beau asked.

"Can you not read? It says right there that it's a science fair," I snapped, pointing toward the small segment on the sheet.

"So how long will it take you to do?" Beau asked, taking off his red snapback and fixing his hair before putting it back on.

"Excuse me? I'm not doing it all on my own, you're helping!"

How dare he expect me to do it all on my own and still let him take credit for it.

"We'll go to the library and get some books out on it," I continued.

Beau looked at me in disbelief before throwing his head back and letting out a loud laugh. Let me guess, he didn't go into libraries?

"You really think a town like this can afford a library?" He scoffed, his pupils dilating and whisps of his hair fell into his eyes.

I knew this town was poor but I didn't think they couldn't afford one, I thought every town had to have one.

"Well what do you suggest then?" I inquired, folding my arms and raising a brow.

If they had no library then I'd just use the internet, it wasn't a big problem but it meant we'd probably have to go to my house for that. Not that I wanted him at mine, but I certainly wouldn't put one toe in his.

"Why are you so clueless? We'll go to my house," he sneered as if it was obvious.

God he was so annoying. I narrowed my blue eyes at him and shook my head defiantly.

"If we're going to anyones house it'll be MINE. How about you come over today?" I suggested but he shook his head.

"I'm busy."

"Tuesday?" I suggested but he shook his head again.


Still no.

He was just being difficult  and stubborn now, I could tell.

"Well what suits you then?"

This was turning into a tedious power struggle that I was happening to lose, which made me very uncomfortable and turning my dislike toward him upward a notch.

He folded his thick arms and looked me straight in the eye, green eyes piercing mine. 

"We'll do it at my house or not at all," he said, slowly and calmly and I knew he'd won.

But in my defense he only had the upper hand because he knew I would do the project no matter what, so that was satisfying

"Fine. When?"

"Wednesday, after school."

Finally, the bell rang for lunch and I grabbed my satchel and flung it over my shoulder, eager to leave. The school canteen was open today and I wanted one of their sandwiches before they were all gone. Thankfully, the science room was only about a block away.

 When I got to the canteen, I stood in line behind this dark haired girl and called out to the lady what I wanted. After handing the sandwich to me, I followed the dark haired girl to the cash register to pay.

"Fuck, I'm two dollars short," she sighed and turned around to me.

She had chocolate brown eyes and looked Latino. She had a curvy body and was around the same height as me with the left side of her hair shaved and a cartilage piercing.

"Can I borrow 2 bucks?" She inquired and I fumbled with my purse before handing the lady at the cash register the money plus the money for my sandwich.

"I'm Raven," the girl said as we walked out of the canteen.

I was a little surprised she stayed with me because I expected her to just go off with her friends or something.

"Mona," I replied. 

Raven started walking toward the shady grass area and naturally I went with her because I had nothing else to do.

"So are you new around here?" Raven asked as she sat down against the trunk of a gumtree.

Not far away from us Beau and some of his friends were messing around with a football. 

"Yeah, I just moved here from Perth," I replied as I took a bite of the BLT sandwich.

God, it was so good I could eat 5 of them. Raven sipped tentatively at her coffee before flipping some of her hair over to the shaved side so it was now a middle part that covered it.

"Were you the girl that Beau got forced to be in a partnership with today in science?" She asked, holding back a smile and I nodded.

"You know him?"

"Yeah, I slept with him a couple times last summer, nothing major."

I widened my eyes in shock. She was so open and casual about her personal life, not that it was necessarily a bad thing it's just something I'd never do. Plus, Beau? She could've done so much better, she was stunning. She had that 'bad girl' aura with her black liner and shaved head but she was really casual and chill which would be a nice break from the other people here.

We talked a little more and even exchanged numbers so by the end of lunch, I was put back in a good mood.

Raven seemed really nice and her name suited her a lot.

For You - Beau Brooks ft. Raven ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now