Chapter Nine

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She keeps on noticing my presence. She is definitely destined to goin us.

Linda could not be seen, but Heather had obviously become quite paranoid and felt her in the room with her. Linda decided to leave the room after she had screamed.

She couldn't have seen my though. Perhaps her powers are developing quicker now. I must watch out. Maybe I should've killed her after all instead of risking everything.

Linda heard Heather talking to Julian, asking him for help.

I definitely need to do something about that boy though. He knows too much. He is dangerous.



"What happened Heather?", he asked.
"N-Nothing. I'm just scared. I think I'm losing it!", she inhaled sharply.
"What do you mean? Are you okay?"
"Yes, I think I'm fine, but I hear voices and there is no one there to talk and I could've sworn that somebody was in the room with me a minute ago."
"Is that why you hung up?", Julian asked.
"Yes. I feel like I'm going crazy. Do you think I should talk to my Dad about it?"
"No! Just come home already. You're in danger!"
"Stop it! You're not helping whatsoever! I don't know what you mean!"
"I would tell you Heather, but I cannot do that over the phone. I'll come pick you up, okay?"
"No. I have to stay and help here. They want to tear the house down soon-", Heather replied.
"I'm coming anyway. After I've explained you'll want to come with me."
"Okay we'll see. I don't think I'll be leaving though. It'll just feel good to have you here though. I feel like I'm losing it."
"Just hang in there. I'm leaving tonight. Be there by nighttime."
Julian hung up.

I'll just take my car. It'll make this easier. Gotta pack first.

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