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I had just dropped Stacy ass over at the west in hotel and was now on my way to Brooklyn . I called Yanna about 4 or 5 times and got no answer so I called her pops
He answered on the fourth ring
"Yo I tried to get in touch with Yanna but I think she pissed at me right now , so call her and make sure she good" I said
"Copy" he said and hung up
I pulled up to 70th and all the niggas in the crew was there waiting
"Yooooooo G"
"This nigga G"
That's all I kept hearing
"Ya niggas ready to kill?" I asked in a serious tone
"Hell yea that's what we here for"
"Let's go" I said that and we all left

Once we had gotten to the warehouse we waited until all the niggas got in the building pops told me they were all having a meeting the whole crew and itd be about 20 motherfuckers , it was about a good 15 of us . Pops never liked sending too many niggas out for things like this . Some motherfuckers couldn't handle it and would get caught then after they got caught would snitch so he only sent out the best of the best .

Tito this old sneaky motherfucker was the one to put the plan in action . His nickname in the hood was snake because he could sneak and do anything he wanted he made the first move he was also more of the inside person . He was never seen so he went & knocked on the door , we knew he would be an unfamiliar face to them.
Knock Knock Knock
  About 5 niggas answered the door .
"I'm here for Jay" I said with the most intimidating voice I could give
They all looked me up and down as if this was a joke
"Well? Where the fuck is the cat I ain't got all day for yall to be checking me out like this . I like pussy"
    "Ayo , chill with all that" one of them said grabbing his waist
"Yall gone show me where he at? Or we gotta do this a harder way? I just want to discuss business & if I've been told right about the type of nigga that Jay is im sure he wouldn't appreciate ya fucking it up." I said
They looked at me for a good 30 more seconds and then let me in. They all walked ahead of me , didn't even turn around and lock the door . Stupid motherfuckers I thought , they only make my job easier. They walked me to where Jay was and I did what the fuck I was here for . Being sneaky . I unlocked every single window or door that I walked pass giving outsiders access right into the warehouse . I was suprised at the amount of windows . These motherfuckers was dumb and stupid I thought . We got to a room where the rest of the crew was including Jay . I noticed him from a picture G showed me. There was a round table and I stood up until I got what I needed to know .
"So what's this I hear about business? I ain't never seen yo ass around the block"  Jay said
He was supposedly the leader of this crew
"That's because the best is never seen" I said aloud
"Now one of my peers tell me you've been trying to get at Montey"
"Yea &"
"That's some bold shit there , everybody's scared to even mention that motherfuckers name in a sentence without him being around" I said
"Yea? I look scared? Motherfucking Montey , he better be lucky his fucking daughter still alive . I should have got her ass twice" he said
   "Yes that's what I like" I said and I sat down straight across from Jay .
"I like your heart little nigga and that's why I'm here to do business . Montey's last shipment came in from Miami last night shit is worth millions & guess who's hands it's in."
"He stared at me , how the fuck you some low class looking motherfucker get a hold of his drugs? I been trying to do that for the longest"

"You'd be suprised at the connections some low class looking motherfucker has" I said
"So what is my involvement with this?"
"I want to sell it to you , the connections won't stop so I want to supply you . I know you need it I heard the shit your boys are selling is wack anyway" I said , he looked down as if he knew it was true
Pussy motherfucker I thought
Then there was a noise . He sent two of his boys to see about it and we continued with the conversation . These motherfuckers damn sure ain't see no set up when one was right in they fucking face . Especially this nigga Jay I had him so deep into discussion that everytime he heard a noise he sent a motherfucker or two to go check on it not realizing that the last motherfuckers never came back .
Before he knew it there was only me and him sitting in the room straight across from one another .
"Wait a minute" he said looking me in my eyes and grabbing his waists he stood up
"Where the fuck is my crew"
Someone knocked on the door and he seemed relieved , until I got up and opened it and G walked through with a gun pointing straight at him
"Jordan , long time no see huh .. Have a seat" I said calling him by his government name
He sat down slowly and I nodded my head to Tito to let him know I was good here for now .
  I walked over to him and sat in a chair next to him .
He began to move his arm
"Motherfucker you move and you die now" I said looking straight ahead
"How old are you?" I asked
"Now is not the time to be answering my question with another question , now hold up your hand" I said
He didn't do as I was told
I stood up in front of him and pointed my gun at his head
"Motherfucker I said hold up your hand" he held it up
"Damn do I hate a hardheaded ass nigga" I said "I think I like this one" I said grabbing his middle finger and chopping it off
He yelled in pain
"Now that's strike one" I said
"Next time I ask you something say the fucking answer nothing more nothing less , now what's your problem with my boss?" I asked
"Ain't no problem"
I chopped off another finger
"Strike two" I said as I listened to his cry
"Alright alright , it's not me . It's Yat he said he wanted him out he paid me fucking millions to take everything from him we wanted to start with his daughter" I shook my head
"Oh he gone be real happy when he hear this"
"So I can go now? Nomore strikes?"
I laughed
"Nigga you tried to kill his daughter not mine , I'm gone take you to him so he can figure out how he want to handle you. But she is my wife" I said chopping the rest of his fingers off and then his hand and doing the same to the other. But I wasn't satisfied

"Nigga you ain't got no hands & this shit ain't looking right . Let me even you up" I said I took his right ear and chopped that shit off then did the same to the left . He screamed and hollered and blood was everywhere but shit I ain't give a fuck . I continued chopping more and more off . By the time we came out the ware house he had 2 toes no hands, no ears, no tongue and one eye ball .
"I'm suprised yo ass ain't knocked out by now"
I threw him in Zoe truck and we all left .
In the car by myself I decided to call tiyanna again . But she didn't answer , I just hoped she was good
I called her pops
"Yo" he answered
"Mission complete, and I've got some news for you" I said
"Aight , meet me at the spot"he said
Aight , but ayo where's tiyanna?" I asked
He laughed
"She right here , & she said stop calling her" he said
"Yea aight , I'm on my way . One" I said
"One" he said and hung up
When I pulled up I waited on the rest of the boys who were right behind me . Once we were all there I took Jay ass out the car and made him walk to his death
"Damn how you gone make him walk with no toes" Zoe laughed
"His ass is dead already , ain't no need to ease his pain now , so walk motherfucker" I said
He walked crying more and more as he went on
Once we got to the room we saw tiyanna and her father sitting smoking a blunt  waiting patiently .
He got up and walked over to us
"Sit yo ass down he said" to Jay
Jay sat down on the chair and he looked at him for a long time
"Damn G , you really fucked him up" he said laughing and dapping me
"So what's up dude , where's your beef coming from?" He asked Jay
But he couldn't speak
"I ain't tell you to make him not be able to verbally communicate with me" he said
"I already handled that , he say that nigga Yat paid him stacks to take you out and they wanted to start with tiyanna" I said
"Yat?" He asked
"Yat" I said
"Yat? The same motherfucker who tried get my moms" Tiyanna said
"Same motherfucker" he said
"Here" he handed tiyanna the gun
"You handle his ass , he could've lived had he not fucked with you anyway I'm going home so I can figure this Yat situation out" Tiyanna smiled and took the gun then kneeled down in front of Jay
"I always loved a motherfucker with nice fingers"she said to the side of his face
"I like the long ones so I could feel them sliding in and out of my pussy"
She said . Then looked at me
"Too bad you don't have any" she stood up and cocked the gun back then blasted his ass straight between the eyes . Just like her father and I would have I smiled at the bad girl that she'd became over the years and honestly loved every minute of it . I just wanted her to be safe
   She looked at us all
"Yall are all dismissed , thank you" she said and walked out the door
Once outside everyone was getting in there cars
"Ride with me"
I said
She said nothing and just walked to the range and got in
When I got in she never looked my way just straight
"I thought it was gone be hard getting you to get up in here" I said
"Well my father left forgetting that I rolled with him" she said
I smiled to myself knowing he did it purposely so we could sort this shit out
"That bitch out my house?" She asked

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