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It was official , I had to stay in the hospital for the rest of the week or the cops would be involved and yea I could snitch and get yat arrested but all that would do is make the cops even more suspicious about my father and Ashanti and me we would be in more trouble than ever. Pregnant or not i would be locked up and did just like any other black woman , so what if I was famous. The better option was to kill his ass . Yat was a motherfucker the government just didn't give a fuck about, if we killed him he was gone rot wherever the fuck we left him. Nobody was looking and if anybody knew anything about. anything which was highly unlikely than they knew what the fuck happen to snitches. All of this thinking and stressing and I can't even embrace the fact that 8 months from now I'm gonna be a mother , and a mother to two beautiful twins. I know I told Ashanti I was getting an abortion but I didn't want to , and he knew that . I know I'm still young but I have money that motherfuckers couldn't imagine. There is never a time that I or them will want for anything. And maybe instead of being Tiyanna the wild singer who does pot and gets into trouble I would be Tiyanna the mother who sings through her heart. There was just two things I had to deal with before they were born and that was their father and my safety in this fucked up city called New York. I knew Gigi came down here on some bullshit . Ever since I've known Gigi it's been bullshit with her she set me up fucked my man , the bitch did everything a best friend ain't supposed to. I should have shot her ass when she was standing here but I'm not really trying to get no case. I was gone do it another time myself . But first somebody was gone whoop her ass for me. As my thoughts continued to roam my mind Ashanti walked in , he had went to get something to eat and when I'd seen the Popeyes bag I got over excited
He handed me a box and I opened it to two big ass breast fries and a biscuit
I turned up my nose
"Ashanti I don't want this" I said pouting
He looked in the box and shook his head no
"My bad , that's mine . This one yours." He said passing me a different box this one had strips fries and 3 biscuits . Everybody knows I love Popeyes biscuits.
"Thankyou" I said the smile arriving back on my face
"You fiending for them biscuits though" he said laughing at me
"Yea?" He asks looking up from his food
"Maybe we shouldn't be together" I said
"What you mean?" He asked
"I told you I'm aborting the babies" I said
"Babies? There's two of them motherfuckers in there?" He asked suprised
"Ashanti please" I said touching my stomach
"Motherfuckers?" I asked
He looked at me with a confused facial expression
"You about to kill them and you bitching about me calling em motherfuckers? Come on now shorty" he said & I could tell he was getting agitated by the way his temples tensed.
I ignored him
"Well because I'm having an abortion we have absolutely no reason to stick around each other " I said
He looked at me with a blank face
I couldn't tell what he was thinking
He shook his head
"You tripping shorty"
"I'm not" I said aloud
"You are , Tiyanna what the fuck? I told you I was gone get the motherfuckers who did this to you. Stop being stubborn and shut the fuck up sometimes" he yelled
"Fuck that Ashanti , what were you doing?" I yelled with a tear running down my face
"I was fucking sleep , Stacy took my phone. I ain't know shit was going on until the next day."
"Exactly , which means you can't handle this shit . Go home to your bitch ass wife. I hope your child get Down syndrome" I yelled
He looked at me in fury . If it wasn't something he was serious about besides me and my father it was his kids. Born or not , he walked out of the room not saying a simple word or looking back
I was sitting in v.i.p with some of my niggas from the crew waiting for another round of drinks at club FREAKY when a hand touched my area
"I've been watching you all night" she whispered in my ear .
"I've been watching you too" I said knowing damn well I ain't seen the bitch all night but she was bad so I just went along with it. I needed something to take my mind off of Tiyanna maybe it was the beginning of her pregnancy but she been acting like a real bitch lately and Stacy would just bring her up all day . It was like she liked her or something.
The girl took my hand and walked me to the upstairs part of the club
Once upstairs she took me in a room and closed and locked the door
"Any way you want it?" She asked in a sexy way
"Do something to make me feel better , I'm stressed the fuck out" I said taking the shot of Henny straight back
She shook her head yes and opened my legs and unzipped my pants . She quickly got to work . It felt good real good , before I knew it I was ripping open a condom and bouncing her up and down in the air , she was yelling and screaming daddy this and daddy that and in the back of my head hoped and prayed that if I ever had a daughter she wouldn't be calling no random motherfucker daddy. After I came I went to the bar to pour myself another drink and when I turned around had a gun right between my eyes. She was quick with her shit and good because I hadn't suspected anything like this to happen . But she was also about to shit bricks.  I could tell she was scared. She was trying her hardest to keep her hands from shaking
I laughed causing her to feel intimidated she took the safety off the gun . I was fucked up , but I wasn't stupid
"Motherfucker this look like a game to you?" She asked "now where's the bitch ?"
"What bitch?" I asked as if I didn't know who she was talking about.
She looked at me in shock
"This bitch, this bitch right here" she said holding up a picture of Tiyanna
"I don't know her" I said 
Causing her to look down at the picture I took my gun out of my back pocket and shot her ass in the face I watched as her lifeless body fell to the floor 
Then I walked out of the room as if nothing ever happend . I went back to v.i.p and spotted yat. I nudged Tito for him to pay attention to what I'd seen. He looked around and because of the music we couldn't speak the appropriate way so I gave him the look and he got up telling all the niggas what was about to go down. But before I knew it Montey and Paula Tiyanna mom was walking through the front door of the club blowing bullets in yat direction
If I didn't know anything about tiyannas mother before I knew everything now. She was just like her daughter
People ran out of control and before I knew it I had my gun out bussing shots in yats direction too. If one of us didn't get him we mine as well quit this shit asap and be some 9 to 5 working motherfuckees
I shot him once in the chest knowing he'd die soon making sure I kept my promise to Tiyanna even though she was bitching . Next shot I heard came from Paula's gun and she got him right in the balls . He dropped
Me and the crew , plus montey and Paula ran toward the body and he was still breathing
"Yo ass is finally got huh?" Montey said squatting in front of the body
"I'm got , but this shit ain't gone stop bitch you got beef with me forever!" He said to Montey breathing hard and coughing up blood .
We all looked at him not in pitty. But we was celebrating tonight , this was the motherfucker who had all of us marked for death. Montey stepped on his chest and shot him dead one last time in the face
"Clean this shit up" he said and walked away
I was driving home from shopping even though Ashanti told me not to leave the hotel and now a car was following me. I pulled over on the side of a McDonald's . People loved McDonald's and was always there and I needed to know who it was . Feeling confident that they wouldn't kill me in broad daylight at a public restaurant I waited for them to stop the car and pullover on the side of me . I opened my door and walked to the passenger side knocking on the window.
They rolled the windows down revealing a handsome man who looked to be in his early twenties and a dike who looked to be the same age . They also looked a lot alike
"Can I help you?" I asked worried that this had something to do with G and couldn't keep the thought of them shooting me right now or kidnapping me out of my head
"You can actually" the guy said
I looked at him confused and he smiled all whites. My pussy jumped , pregnant and all
"How is that?" I asked
"I'm looking for the marea actually , I'm not from here so I'm not really familiar with these surroundings.
Realizing that he just needed directions to the marea restaurant I relaxed myself
I wasn't from here either but I knew where the marea was . I'd been there at least 7 times for lunch while I've been in New York alone of course because my husband is just so "busy"
"Oh yea , follow me" I said as I got back into my car and guided them to the marea only about 10 minutes from the McDonald's we were at
Once we got there he parked his car and came to my window before driving off
"Join us" he said
"No I-"
"I insist" he said cutting me off
I looked at him like I was uneasy about it
"Just consider it as a Thankyou for showing me where to go" he said "don't worry I'm paying" he laughed showing those all whites again
"Ok" I said "just let me park" I parked the car and met up with them on the inside , they already had a table
"What'd you have reservations?" I asked . Everytime I came here I had to single seat it at the bar because there were never any tables available
"Yea" he said pulling out my chair
After we all sat a waiter came to the table
"Can we start you guys off with any drinks?" She asked
"I'll just have a water" I said
"No drinks?" He asked me
"Nope" I said pointing to my growing belly
"Right ok ok" he said
  We had spent the next two hours eating and talking getting to know each other . His name was Rodney and the dikes was Regina but she told me to call her Reggie, they were twins which explained a lot. I liked them both . It felt good to have lunch not by myself but with friends for once. I mean I know I just met them but they made me comfortable. When we were done Rodney slipped me his number and made me promise to call him so we could hook up sometime. I told him okay and left the restaurant . I didn't know what it was but I liked him a lot , he made me feel how G did when we first met. Now I don't even know my husband anymore . I thought as I drove back to the hotel

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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