Chapter One

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© SallySparrow 2011 

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 1

I run down the corridor and slam through the exit door and into the jungle.

I have got to lose them, I think to myself, as I dodge a rather large tree branch.

I look behind me and see some of their uniform, "Crap! They're gaining on me!" I push myself to run even faster while cursing silently to myself as I stub my toe on a fallen tree limb and continue running.

I am so busy running that I hadn't realized I am coming to a clearing, at the end of the clearing was a cliff. I run up to the edge and stop myself, as I look down I calculate that it's a 574 foot drop. I turn around and see them coming through the jungle, they are almost at the clearing and I find myself jumping off the cliff.

For a few moments I just enjoy the feeling of the air whooshing by me as I am falling to my most certain doom, but a few moments before I scatter myself all over the ground, I feel strong arms wrap around me that hoist me up into the sky. I turn my face to see my savior, I recognize him at once and I instantly feel safe.


Ok let's just say for now, I'm not completely normal, I haven't been for a while, well technically I've never actually been normal...

When I was 3, I mastered the piano, drums, and violin. When I was 5, I knew how to swim, shoot a gun, build a fire, and had advanced fighting skills. At age 8, I knew something was wrong with me when I read a book on genetics and heredity, and I took one look at my so called parents and asked if I could meet my real "mommy and daddy". When I was 10, I was taken from my home to a science facility, they said I was "special". I was tested and experimented on, along with some other kids that they said were "special" as well. At age 13, me and my new found friends escaped and are currently running from the authorities. I am now 17 and I have this to say to the people who hunt us "My name is Jespa Young, you hurt me and my friends, prepare for a swift exit from life."


So I guess I'll start by telling you about my friends. Howl is male, 18, 6'1" and a great fighter, he also has wings that melt into his skin when he doesn't need them, which is quite handy at times, he has dark blue hair almost black, I know it seems strange but it's his natural honest, he has a strong build, he has deep blue eyes and his wings are black. Weston is male, 16, 5'11 and has telekinesis (can move thing with his mind), his hair is blond, his eyes are blue, and he has an above average build. River is female, 15, 5'5" and an excellent huntress, it probably has to do with the fact that she can turn herself invisible, her hair is black, she's strong for a girl, ok VERY strong for a girl, and her eyes are hunter green. Grace is female, 14, 5'3" and can heal herself and/or others by singing, she can concentrate her healing to specific people, her hair is blonde, her eyes are light blue, and she is Weston's sister. I, Jespa, am female, 17, 5'7", my hair is, let's face it, pink, a very dull pink but pink nonetheless, my eyes are a light greenish blue, and I have the power of knowledge, I can learn ANYTHING.

We are all "special", we are all running from the government, and we are all pissed.


A/N: I plan on making this have a lot of action and fights and some comedy and maybe a ounce of romance too so it should have at least a little bit of interestinglyness if that's even a word but anyways... it would be wonderfully awesome if people vote, comment, fan, heck I'd be happy if somebody would read it! Well just let me know what you think, thanks!

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