Chapter Two

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"Why do you always take his side?!" Grace yelled at Howl.

"I don't ALWAYS take his side." Howl was adding to an arguement between Grace and Weston, and I must say he wasn't helping.

"Yes you do! And-" She seemed to be starting up a new arguement now.

"Hey! Aren't we getting off the subject here? I think we should ask Jes's opinion." Weston interupted his sister.

"I agree. Jes! Get in here, we need you!" Grace called for me even though she didn't have to yell, I was in the kitchen and they were in the living room so we were only separated by a half-wall.

"What is it now?"

"We need you to settle an arguement." Weston informs me.

"We weren't arguing!" Grace looks honestly astonished that he even came to such a presumtion.

"Yes we were!"

"We don't agrue."

"We're arguing now!"

"Of course we're not!"

I roll my eyes "What were y'all discussing?" I figure it's best not to get into the arguement of not arguing and decide to call it a discussion instead.

"Which one is funnier, Tweddledee or Tweddledum?" They are watching Alice in Wonderland. I can't believe some of the things they argue about.

"The one on the left side when you're facing north and they're facing east." I say and River gives me a look that says "that IS total bull, right?". I give her a wink to let her know that she's right, she nods and goes back to sharpening her knives.

"I guess you know what you're talking about." Grace says as she turns back to the television and becomes transfixed by it, yet again.


We currently live in London, England. We have a two story, five bedroom, four bathroom house. We try to blend in wherever we go so our looks almost exactly like all the other houses on our street. The only thing different about our house is that there's a beautiful garden out front, Grace loves to garden.

We have a fence around our backyard and a swimming pool that has a deep end of 10 feet and I must say I absolutely love it.

You're probably thinking asking yourself right about now "How do they have so much money?" and I'm here to tell you "It's a secret."


I'm not really the kind of person who wants to be normal but it might be nice not having to move every few months, 'cause I tell you it's EXHAUSTING!

We just moved here last week from Dallas, Texas and we're finally starting to get settled (for now).

Howl and I make most of the decisions of where to move to next, but somtimes we like to take things to a vote. Like moving here was a vote, it was 3 to 2, Howl, River, and Grace wanted London while Weston and I wanted Mexico. I have nothing against London, I actually quite like it but I just wanted Mexico for some reason. But we're planned to go to Mexico next, it's sad that we just moved here and we have the next location already picked. But that's just the way it's gotta be for now.


Howl stummbled backwards a bit, I had just kicked his chest.

He and I were practicing our fighting skills in the gym and he had just won.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He asks after he regains his balance.

"You weren't supossed to win."

He sticks his tongue out at me.

"Oh real mature."

"I am, aren't I?" He grins proudly. He rarely makes jokes so I laugh at this and lightly hit his shoulder.

We leave the "workout station" and enter separate bathrooms to shower and change. I do these things quickly, then exit the bathroom.

Weston was standing right outside my bathroom and he said "Boo." in a bit of a monotone voice.

"Boo." I reply and nod my head, giving him the usual greeting.

He walks with me to the living room and turns on the tv.

"We have a reported sighting of Jespa young in London" The news reporter on the tv says and a picture of me at the grocery store pops up by his head.

I look over at Weston and he has a look of complete astonishment on his face.

I runs to Howl's room "They found us! We need to get out of here!" I yell through the door and I hear a loud thump. I open the door to make sure he's okay and I see three of the uniformed officers have tied up Howl and they are holding him to the ground.

I run up to one of them and kick his feet out from under him and he fall to the ground, but two more officers run in, one pulls out a taser and uses it on me. Seriously? He tasers me? He continues tasering me until I am surrounded by the blackness and I am consumed by the dark.

They found us.

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