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Edward. 💡

"Have you ever even been with a woman, Nygma?"

"If he has, I can't imagine her not leaving because of all those damn riddles."

They weren't wrong, I haven't been with a woman. Well, not officially. But who were they to even talk?

Especially that psychotic clown, God that clown. What on earth would make him think that he can talk about my 'love life' if he treated Harley like a punching bag?

When they started throwing mindless remarks at me, I left. They should've felt lucky that I even considered wasting my time with them.

I was on my way to my hide out; I was walking since I decided to change something in my routine today and the Joker's wasn't that far. It wasn't working well and I took a mental note of not doing this again.

The walk was boring to put it in simpler words. It was too silent for my liking and no one was out so I could mess with them.

It wasn't even late, it was barely 11 pm. Maybe because I'm not much of a sleeper or maybe because I'm used to being out at late ours, I didn't understand how some people could be asleep so early.

The boredom was starting to get to me, until I found the answer to two of my problems. Looking over at the hospital parking lot down the street, I saw her struggling with a few boxes.

I snickered a bit at her predicament, but nonetheless I walked over there with the thought to help her and maybe solve my complications.

I would possibly be able to find a female companion and maybe even mess with her head a bit.

She didn't even notice me walk up behind her while she took boxes out of her trunk. How dumb. She's lucky I'm not some sort of rapist.

It was only until I spoke up that she finally noticed my presence, which did irritate me a bit. "What has hands but cannot clap?"

I watched as her small frame jumped up at the sound of my voice and she quickly turned around. "Are you asking me a riddle?" Her eyes brows furrowed in a confusion.

Seeing the confusion on her face excited me. "Are you not a fan of them?" It was a simple riddle, I'll admit that. But for most people, it wasn't and seeing them struggle always brought me joy.

But she didn't do that, and that came as both a disappointment and a delight.

"I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I don't mind them." She took out another box and stacked it on the pile she already had out. "But the answer's a clock."

"Amazing," I softly told her. "Not many people are able to answer such a simple riddle." Maybe I would help her with her problem. "Do you need help carrying these boxes?"

"I actually do." A smile came upon her face and she grabbed two boxes, leaving two for me. "You don't mind, so you?"

"Not at all." I grabbed the remaining boxes and followed her inside the hospital. Whilst walking behind her, I was able to fully examine her.

She had long light brown, wavy hair and was wearing a professional-esque outfit. We were in a hospital but she looked too young to be a doctor. Possibly a nurse?

I watched as her hips swayed in the body hugging skirt she had on. But I quickly mentally scolded myself for looking at her in that way.


"Well," she closed her trunk and looked over at me; her blue eyes piercing into mine. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

It turned out that she was a new pediatrician, not a nurse. She really loved kids, which was the opposite of me.

Before I knew it, her arms were around me; catching me in complete shock. I never received this type of affection. It was unfortunately new and something I wasn't used to.

"By the way, my name's Vanessa."

"Edward." She nodded and got in her car. But before she could leave I knocked on her window.

"Yes?" She rolled down the window and looked out at me.

"What is always coming but never arrives?"

I watched as she thought about the answer. Finally, someone appreciated the art of riddles. After about 2 minutes, she gave up.

"I don't know, Edward." She shrugged, letting out a small laugh. "What's the answer?"

"Tomorrow." I responded as I took a step back from the car, signaling that's all I needed.

She let it sink in and finally realize how it was the answer. "Interesting."

"Isn't it? Riddles always have a way of making us want to think outside the box when the answer's right there in front of us."

Just like she was. She was my answer to my problem and I felt as though I might actually grow an interest in her.

Conundrums | Edward NygmaWhere stories live. Discover now