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Vanessa. 💡

"You're a criminal."

When I said that, he looked at me like as if it was obvious. Well, of course it was.

"I wouldn't necessarily say criminal." He walked into his kitchen and called out, "Do you want a drink?"

"No." I was frustrated. I just wanted answers, I wanted an explanation. "I want to talk."

Following him into the kitchen, I saw him take a seat at the table and followed suit.

"Why is this frustrating you so much, Vanessa?" I watched as he took a sip of water and stared at me; waiting for a response that I didn't have. "Are you sure that I'm the reason you're frustrated?"

I couldn't help but look down when he said that because I knew he was right. He was right, I was frustrated at my terrible relationship and the fact that I felt better being with a criminal.

"Vanessa. What's really frustrating you? Does me being a criminal make me that unappealing that you can't even look at me?"

"You're not unappealing." I placed my face in my hands, trying to make sense of this situation. It was quiet for a few seconds, with him waiting for me to respond. "I'm in a relationship."

"I haven't even asked you to be my girlfriend." He laughed. "Don't you think you're going too fast?"

"No, Edward." I took my face from my hands and looked at him. "I'm in a relationship."

It took him a while surprisingly, but when it finally registered, his expression was unreadable. "I can take care of that for you."

"Whatever you're thinking about doing, don't." I told him, not wanting to know what he was thinking. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, it shouldn't be that hard considering you don't want to be with him, but you want to be with me."

"How are you so sure of that?" I raised an eyebrow, even though I knew he was right.

"Because, look around." I was confused as to what he meant, but nevertheless did as he said. I didn't see anything special, just his kitchen.

"What about it?" I softly asked, nervously tapping my fingers on his table.

"You're here, with me." He smiled, it looked so genuine. "Even after you saw two other major criminals outside, you still haven't ran off."

"That would be kind of rude. Don't you think?"

"It would be." He laughed at my comment, and God, he looked so adorable while he did so. "But I'm giving you the option right now, Vanessa."

"What do you mean, Eddy?" I saw the corners of his lip curl up at the nickname, and I swear I could see his cheeks turn a light pink. But it was probably just my imagination.

"If you don't want any part of me, the doors right there. I won't bother you after tonight if you leave, and I won't hurt you." He looked away and rested his cheek on his palm. "Make your choice, Vanessa."

Conundrums | Edward NygmaWhere stories live. Discover now