I've seen better

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"This is our house?" Ratchet looked up at the house.
"I've seen better.." Sly confessed.Jak sighed and kneeled down to their hight.
"I really need you two to behave..just until I can get a job." The other two knew how much jak was risking for them.The two of them nodded and jak smiled.He pet their heads and knocked on the door.A second later a robot that was dressed as a butler opened.For a moment,Jak thought he had the wrong house but then be heard a scream.It startled by it but he knew it was his new "father".
"LAWRENCE!" Jak looked at the butler.
"I'm gonna take a guess and say you're lawrence." Sly said
"Come inside" Lawrence went to Nefarious. "Sir they're here"
"Wonderful give them the room down the hall to the left."
"Yes sir." Lawrence went to get the three and they walked to the room.Ratchet could see how much of an egomaniac this guy was,on the walls was only pictures of himself.He was going to enjoy drawing all over those pictures, he smirked to himself.Lawrence opened the door to the room and stepped aside.
"Your room" they looked inside and it was completly empty.
"And our bed?" Jak asked.
"You are going to have to wait for that..enjoy your room." Lawrence walked away.
"No way we have to sleep on the ground!We don't even have pillows!"
Jak pet ratchet's head.
"It's alright I packed some blankets and pillows for us,for the mean while we have to call this place home."
The three of them unpacked and got their "bed" ready.It was clear to jak that nefarious nor the butler were gonna make them food so they went to make themselves something,and took it back to their room.After they finished their food they got ready for bed."Come on guys lets pray" sly said,jak knew that in the orphanage religion meant alot.But he also knew that I made sly and ratchet feel safe,so he would do it for them.
"God thank you for taking care of us each and every day." Ratchet started and closes his eyes.
"Please make this place be great for the three of us." Nefarious passed by the room and listened.
"Help jak get a great job" ratchet smiled.
"Also make this Dr.nefarious guy be nicer to us..amen." Nefarious felt a little bad for the boys,but he had not time for that.He had plans..big ones and didn't need a "family" like they did.

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