Arguments and finding love

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The next day,ratchet and sly stayed in their room all day.
Nefarious didn't like it so be made Lawrence make them some dinner.When Lawrence finished making the food they went down and sat in silence.
Nefarious tried to make conversation but whatever he said didn't seem to interest the two children.
"What's wrong?" Ratchet stopped eating and looked up at him.
"What's wrong?..whats wrong is that we miss jak."
"When is he coming back?" Sly asked,nefarious thought of what to say for a while.
"Here's a question why did you send him away?" Ratchet said getting even more angry.
"Why do you care so much about him?" Nefarious said getting angry himself.
"Well I don't know maybe because we have spent most of our lives together!"
"And when you two grow up do you think jak would have wanted to be with you still?!"
Ratchet stood up.
"Yes he would have still been there..because you don't know how it feels to have a family and feelings!" Ratchet walked to his room and sly ran after him.

Sly sat next to ratchet,the both didn't say anything to each other.
"You could go out and steal things.." Sly looked at ratchet.
"Steal things like you always wanted to do." Sly smiled grinned and hugged ratchet.
"And you can go by yourself too!"
"Really?!" Ratchet nodded and sly stood up.
"Best day ever!" Sly went to get his cane and ratchet locked the door.
"I'll come back with something expensive.."
Ratchet laughed.
"I bet you go and be careful." Sly nodded and jumped out the window.

The moon was high in the sky by the time sly found the perfect house.Sneaking in was so easy and he walked around in the rooms,he saw a jewelry box.
He looked in it and found alot of fancy jewelry. He had a big smile on his face until he heard the voice of a girl.
"What are you doing?!" He turned to see a young vixen.She had blue hair and she wore a police costume.She was also pointing a toy pistol at him.Sly just froze up he didn't want to admit it but she was cute.
What am I doing? I need to go!
He grabbed a necklace,ring,and bracelet then ran to the nearest window to escape.He ran until he couldn't hear the girl screaming anymore.After that he went back to ratchet.
Ratchet was so surprised to see what sly stole,but sly wasn't acting like himself.
"What's wrong pal?"
Sly scratched the back of his neck.
"Well..when I was stealing the things I came across a girl.." Ratchet didn't get it at first but he soon catched on and a huge smile spread across his face.
"Oo~ sly has a girlfriend!" Sly blushed and punched ratchet.
All ratchet did was laugh.
"Sly's got a girlfriend! Sly's got a girlfriend!"

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