Chapter 2 Fine I Promise I Won't Freak Out

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After school, I had dance auditions in the gym.

I walked to the gym and opened the door, there stood about 30 girls in gym outfits.

I was already in mine so I dropped my bag off near the benches and walked to the crowd.

"Alright girls, I would like to see each of you individually, you may go home after your audition. If you need anything, I'm Kate."

We all sat down on the benches and waited for our names to be called. The girl next to me looked nervous as hell.

"Are there gonna be cheer captains?" I ask her.

She nods.

"Cally Richards."

I stand up and go in front of Kate.

"Do you have a dance rehearsed or do I need to give you dance moves?"

"I have one rehearsed." I said quietly.

"Alright go." She told me.

And I started dancing.

After I was done, I didn't even realize I was. When I dance I get lost in the movements, I don't even care if I have music.

Kate started clapping along with every other girl in the room, except one.

Bridget. Instead, she just glared at me.

"That was awesome! I'll let you know if you made it." She gave me a big smile and I smiled back.

I grabbed my bag and left.

When I was walking in the parking lot, I saw a familiar car.

The one I saw in the drive way.

I start walking towards it, my steps becoming faster and faster until I'm right in front of it.

I look inside and see the most familiar thing, that I wish I would never see again.

The other half to my half a heart necklace.

Why is it in here?

And why is this car even here?

I shook my head and ran to my car. I drive home and park in my drive way.

I get out and look at the other house. I see a woman walking around that also look oddly familiar.

Maybe I'm losing it.

I walk into my house and scream "mom!"

"In the kitchen!" She screamed back.

I dropped my bag on the floor and took my shoes off. I walked to the kitchen.

"Hi mama." I kiss her cheek.

"Hey sugarplum, how was school." I sat on the stool across from her.

"It was fine I guess. I mean, I met a boy an-"

"que conoció a un muchacho?!" (You met a boy?!) My mom yelled.

"Yeah... But he has a girlfriend." I told her hoping she'd calm down.

And she didn't.

"So? él te elegiría sobre ella cualquier día." (He'd choose you over her any day).

"But she's the most popular girl in school, I can't compete with that."

"That's cause you don't socialize!" She slammed her hands on the counter.

"I have friends mom." I told her, rolling my eyes.

"Well obviously not enough!" She swore in Spanish.

"Fine! I'll "socialize"." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Her eyes narrowed on me, "you better."

I laugh her. Then I remember something.

"Are we getting new neighbors?" I ask and she froze.

"W-where did you h-hear that?" She stuttered and started wiping her hands on her jeans.

"Well, there is a woman in there and a car that was in the drive way, was at my school." I stand up.

"Well honey, Na-" my phone started ringing.

"Sorry, it's Hailey. She tried telling me something earlier, I guess that's why she's calling." I picked up my cellphone and answered it.

"Hey." I said.

"I have something to tell you. Please don't freak out." She said really fast.

"What did you do?" I said, jokingly.

"Nothing, but, just promise you won't freak out."

"Fine, I promise I won't freak out."

"Good, ok here it is..."

"Just hurry up and tell me!" I yell into the phone, my mom was watching me closely.

"Nate is moving back." She said, worry filling her voice.

"What?" This can't be. No. He couldn't be moving back.

But, why did you see the necklace in his car?

Maybe it's someone else's.

Just face the fact, Nate is moving back.

Nate is moving back.

Nate is moving back.

"Cally?" I heard Hailey ask, worry filling her voice once again.

"I got to go, bye." I hung up the phone.

I closed my eyes and let it all sink it.

"Mom?" I ask.

"Yes honey?" She said, probably knowing what I was going to ask.

"Is Nate moving back?" I look up to see her deep brown eyes staring at me.

"Cally, I'm so sorry, it's just-"

I interrupt her, "how long?"


"How long have you known?"

She sighed and rubbed her face, "a month."

For a month my mom has known my ex-best friend is moving back.

"What house?" I ask, hoping it wouldn't be next door.

She points to the house right next door.


"I-I have to go." I grab my phone and go get my shoes.

"I'll be back soon!" I shout to my mother.

I run out the door to my car.

--An hour later--

After driving for an hour, I finally made it to my destination.

I parked the car on the side of the road and started towards the woods.

When I was 7, me and Nate's family went on a little road trip and our car broke down here.

So, us being curious little kids, decided to go exploring and found this beautiful spot.

This destination has become our destination.

As soon as I saw the familiar tree, I ran towards it.

The spot was absolutely stunning.

But turns out, I wasn't alone.

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