chapter 17

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*Chapter 17*

A>N It’s my birthday tomorrow so this is my present for you guys

*Jasmine’s POV*

Something cold crept over my body, just like a cold rush. Through my state of half-consciousness I could feel wind brushing across me. My body felt like it was about to be detached, half of it seemed to be falling of the mattress. If this was a dream then this was the weirdest dream ever.

Something seemed to shift beside me and come closer and then all of a sudden... thump!

Holy shit! My head hit the ground. My eyes flew open at the shock of the situation. What the hell.

I stood up realising someone had completely invaded my bed. What the fuck was Jordan freaking Mathews Doing scrawled over my bed? The memories came running back, seriously fuck my life.

A tingling sensation was crossing my foot it was as if something was crawling on it. I reached forward and turned on the lamp simultaneously looking at my feet. What I saw was my worst nightmare, which was probably an understatement.

A spider that was literally the size of my hand was crawling on my foot. I leapt 5 feet in the air like a Kangaroo, which at least got the spider of my foot. An ear-piercing scream left my mouth which resulted in Jordan waking up in alert.

“What is there a robber or worse a murder in the house?” he asked with a fear-smeared face.

“No it’s something worse,” my whole body was shaking as I pointed to the spider .

“Holy cow!” Jordan face instantly mirrored mine.

When the spider moved a foot forward a scream of both Jordan and mine ringed through the house.

“What the hell is going on here, do you mind letting us sleep in peace,” Mom and Irony threw the door open.

“Can you please leave you arguing till the morning?”

“We are not arguing there is a bloody spider in the room,” Jordan said pointing to the spider.

Mom and Irony burst into a fit of laughter.

“Its not funny.”

“Yes it is, you two area worse than five year olds.”

“NO we are not!” Jordan screamed at the same time as me.

“Well maybe Jordan, not me.”

“NO...” he never finished his argument as another scream sliced the room as the spider moved forward.

“I think we can all agree that you two are idiots.” Mum put a hand in front of her face silencing us.

Irony picked up the spider like it was some normal shit and threw it out the window.

“All better, now you we can all get some sleep.” Mum and Irony left the room shout the door and lights behind them.

I placed myself back in bed and Jordan slipped into the covers.

“You know you look cute when you’re scared,” Jordan whispered into my ears.

“What?” but Jordan had already fallen asleep or refused to answer my question.

What the fuck was all that about.

A.N Been ages since I last updated, I seriously have been unmotivated because you guys don't vote or comment L

Anywhore tell about:

-you spider stories

- Who you ship: Jordan/Jasmine or Adrian/Jasmine?

-what you think of the new cover?

Dedication for the person who can guess last chapter’s lyrics     

*5 votes and 3 comments* for next update- and updates will be more frequent since i have nearly finished all my test and assignments and next week is the holidays! YAY

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