Issue 11: How to stay calm before the storm

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Kasey's POV

So far, this week has been terrible for me. First it was the sudden appearance of some new villain looking to kill our number one hero, then another run in with him at the Amethyst shopping district, dealt with Rifle and Faux Light, ended up fighting Duplicator, Maximum, and Powerless, and lastly I got shot in my leg. All of that, just so I can show up to my first day of college and get scorched while trying to recover from a shot wound to my ankle. Well, that was until I found myself in the embrace and firm grip of some guy wearing a purple mask that had a black and white spiral over the left eye socket.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good. Khaos, can you help with her crutches?"

"Of course. Right on it."

His rough voice penetrated my ears as he held me in his embrace, my heart skipping slightly from being carried like a princess. I shook my head to focus before a black-haired guy picked up my crutches off the ground. "I'll lower you to your right leg," he said to me before gently letting me down. My hands were now against his chest, and I was keeping my face away from his eyes so he wouldn't catch me blushing.

"Here are your crutches."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that."

As I took them back, I slung my arms over each one and held the bar in the middle, balancing on them like I'm supposed to. I turned my head to look at the guy who saved me from becoming roasted, but his head was staring down at two people in particular. Marko and Ronin.

"Did you see that?"

"See what?! I don't even know what happened!"

"Bro came in so quick!"

"That's what I'm saying. Pink hair was sitting right next to me, then all of a sudden she was gone like that!"

"I wish I had super speed."

Ignoring the crowd, I tapped the shoulder of the masked guy next to me, getting his attention.

"It's best we leave here. People start to voice their thoughts too much when things like this happen, and I wouldn't want either of you to be the center of attention."

"After he nearly just cooked you with a fireball and hasn't apologized? I'd rather serve him a taste of his own medicine."

He tried to take a step forward, but I grabbed his wrist immediately. He glanced right back towards me, seeing my head shake to say "no" as I kept him from going any further.

"With all these people around, it's not worth it getting into a confrontation with them."

"Yeah, she has a point man. It's better if we just go."


I could tell that he was thinking over after looking back down at Marko and Ronin. Although, it didn't take too long as he grabbed my belongings and motioned for us to walk away with him. My crutches were hitting each step as Khaos, if that was his real name, stood behind me and made sure I didn't fall backwards. By then, all three of us had left everyone else behind, going onto another part of campus leading to the dormitory.

"By the way. I didn't get to say it earlier, but I'm really grateful for you quickly rushing me out of danger. Thank you for that."

"It's fine, really. I hate when people don't think twice about those who they endanger with their actions."

"I second that. I'm just glad Y/n got you out of there before any serious damage was done." The guy named Khaos said.

"Wait, your name is Y/n?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2024 ⏰

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