Issue 10: A new day for more faces

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Your POV

"So tell me. Why are you kicking me out of your gas station again?"

"Do you not remember anything that we discussed yesterday?"


"Please pay attention when we discuss this stuff."

"Hard to do so when my hair was being tampered with for a few hours."

"Jeez. My bad for wanting to help a current criminal wanted by the public."

"Alright, my bad. Thanks for what you did yesterday."

"About time I got a "thank you."

"You could've just said your welcome."

My attention was currently focused on Ashton as he was brushing his hair. It was around eight-ish in the morning, and I was still tired. Currently, Ashton was getting ready for work while I had my butt planted on the sofa. I'm so glad I'll never have to do anything like this. Not like I was able to before this anyway. Oh, and Emily was here. Pretty silent, but she definitely made her presence known by sleeping with me again. I promptly proceeded to push her off the couch.

"Moving on, yesterday we talked about you being here, and I decided that it would be best if you got out of the store for a while." Ashton said.

"Why though? It's not like I have anywhere else to go."

"No, but you're still a wanted criminal in Curtin as of yesterday. It's not only bad for business, but me and Emily if anyone knows about your whereabouts being here. As I said before, I'm not going to jail for you."

"Fair, but do I really have to be outside all day?"

"You're the same guy hunting Rise, so I figured this would work out for you."

"That was only if he was here. I didn't think he would currently be out of town hunting a supervillain."

"Doesn't mean you still can't see the city for yourself."

"One slip up, and I'm gonna be fighting Quick Bitch and his little posse."

"Just promise that from now on you'll spend some time outside of the store so that nothing happens to us? I'll keep you around, but I still wanna be able to live my life free from a criminal record."

"Ugh! I promise."

"Thanks. So, I'mma need you out in a few minutes."

"Fine, but let me borrow your car keys."

"..." He stared me dead into my eyes.

"Relax, I'm just joking."

"Good. Now, make sure you grab some breakfast, and yes, I can afford to let you eat for free here."

"Hell yeah! Thanks!"

I jumped off the couch, running inside the store to grab cold packaged waffles from the freezer with some juice to wash it down later."

"Emily, are you ready?" I heard Ashton ask from the room.

"Almost! I just need a few more minutes!"

I walked back into the room, having no choice but to place my waffles in the microwave on a paper plate after removing the wrapper from it. The glass plate started spinning on a thirty-second timer. Hopefully they're warm at least.

"Alright, my food's ready. I'm out."

"Later man."

I shot Ashton a peace sign, making my way out of the store. With the food in my hands, my mask on my face, and the morning sun welcoming to the new world that is Curtin City, my mind and body were ready for the day. So, where the hell do I go from here? That's probably the only thing I didn't think about. Actually, I didn't even think about grabbing syrup for my waffles, nor removing this mask ahead of time to eat.

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