Issue 8: Another player in the game

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Your POV

"Man, I'm bored." I said aloud to no one, scrolling on my phone.

It wasn't too long ago that my face became plastered on the news just for it to be the talk of the town. With reports out there of people calling me a villain, or at least someone with villainous intent, it was obvious to say that this city doesn't see me in a good light right now. I wonder how much longer until Ashton gets back with the stuff he said he'll get me. Before I knew it, my phone started ringing.

"Speak of the devil. Yo, Ashton. How long until you get back?"

"I'm about to pull up. Once I get inside, I don't even wanna work today."

"Why? What happened?"

"Before I answer that, let me ask you again. Do people who meet you become cursed?"

"Obviously not. Curses aren't real, even if we live in a world of people with superpowers."

"Then why the hell did the mall I was in just get bombed?!"

"The fuck?"

"Yes! I met some weird girl with purple hair after bumping into her by accident. She gave me back my phone, said some weird shit before vanishing like a magician, and then the food court suddenly blew up. After that, there was active shooting inside the place. I was lucky to make it out alive."

"Weird girl with purple hair?"

"Out of everything I just said, THAT'S your concern?!"

"Sorry. It's just that I met a girl yesterday with purple hair. I ran off because she was annoying the hell out of me."

"So you think the girl I met might've been her?"

"Not really sure unless you describe her."

"Yeah, I'm not doing that. All I know is that I'm not leaving my gas station for a while, so once I get inside and help you out, I'm taking a break."

"Not like I can say anything about that. Also, you grabbed some cool clothes for me right?"

"Are you serious right now bro?"

"Alright, alright."

I pulled my phone from my ear and hung up. My hand hit my face in the form of facepalm before a sigh escaped the confines of my mouth. This man almost died helping me. I owe him a favor after this. Even then, I just sat still for a bit until the door to the room opened up, seeing Ashton step inside with a few bags. He dropped them all on the floor, brushing his hair out of the way before stepping back out, coming back moments later with a toothbrush, toothpaste, rag, soap, etcetera.

"Why do you have hair dye?"

"We need to do something about your appearance. With your face out there in the open, everyone already knows what you looks like. So, we need to switch up your wardrobe, and change your hair."

"Hold on now. My (h/c) is perfectly fine as is."

"How many people you know with your face and hair color exact?" He gave me a questioning glance.

"Fair point, fair point. Counter point-"

"There is none. Now come on, you need a shower. There's a lot we got to work on before I let you go anywhere."

"Fuck me." I said.

"Sorry, not into guys like that. Now get moving."

He shoved some of the supplies he gathered for me into my arms, pushing me towards the bathroom. Once I ended up inside, he closed the door behind me and said "Don't come out until you've cleaned yourself up." Now that I got a good look at this bathroom, this is much bigger than what I originally expected. Ashton really lives inside his gas station. How much did all of this cost?

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