Chapter 9

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Dan's POV**

We were in Phil's room talking when he said he needed to take a shower.

"We still have so much to talk about though."

I was really whiny from my lack of sleep lately. Phil knew it too.

"It will only be about 10 minutes Dan. The world's not gonna end while I'm in the shower. I can almost guarantee that."

Not even 5 minutes after he got in the shower his computer went off saying he had a new e-mail. I always loved the twittering thing his computer did when that happened. I got up and knocked on his bathroom door.

"Phil, you've got a new e-mail."

"You can check it. It's probably just spam or something."

I was glad he said that because I was going to play Sherlock Holmes. Basically just snoop around in his computer to see if he'd gotten my e-mails. I typed my name in the password bar and it didn't work. I thought for a moment before rolling my eyes. I typed in his name, hit enter, and his desktop came up. How original Phil.

I scrolled through his e-mails just curious to see what he liked. It was mostly just spam. God, how do they find him? This is ridiculous. I saw a couple e-mail offers for clothing stores and gaming stores. Phil. I got to the bottom of his e-mails and didn't see mine anywhere. That was strange. I know they sent.

I went to the starred e-mails tab and they weren't there either. I heard Phil shut off the shower but knew he'd be another 10 minutes so I kept digging. My hand was physically shaking as I clicked on the trash tab.

There they were. Right on top. They were marked that they were read and everything. I swallowed the lump in my throat. So this is what he thought of all my deepest feelings then? Trash? I looked closer. They were read the night after the park incident!!!

"Dan what were those e-mails for? Dan?"

I turned towards him hurt and fury evident on my face.

"You read my e-mails and put them in the trash? Why don't you take my heart, rip it out of my chest, stomp on it, smash it, and set it on fire?!?!? That would hurt less than this."

I ran out of the room and grabbed my suitcase out of the hallway.

If Phil thought my feelings were trash then I couldn't live with him anymore.

Not Stressed, Just DepressedE-mails to Phil Where stories live. Discover now