All grown up

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AN: okay this is set 6 years later so let me tell you how old each of the kids are now
Niall- 6 almost 7
Calum- 12
Michael- 14
Louis- 14
Harry- 18
Okay let's get on with the story

*6 years later*
"Niall! C'mon buddy it's time to get ready for school" I say to him, it's been exactly 6 years and 11 months since Niall said his first word 'Ha' and unfortunately hasn't spoken since but instead makes different noises to communicate with us, he's also getting tested for non verbal autism so hopefully we can get some advice on how to help him. He then comes downstairs  all in his uniform, he's finally going into year 2 and he's very happy, he loves school and he's in the same class as his best friend Thomas. I take his hand and we head to the car with Louis
"You looking forward to seeing Michael then Lou" and he nods smiling, he's in the same classes as him and they are completely inseparable, Louis also found a love for robotics and in his room we've made an area where he can build some cool stuff. When we arrive at Niall's school sees Thomas and waves goodbye to me, not before I give him a kiss and he runs into the playground.
"He's so cute when he runs" Louis says and I smile, I then drop Louis off and I see Michael and wave to him and he waves back smiling
"Have a good day honey" and then I drive home and see Harry crocheting
"Ooo what you making"
"Niall's birthday present off me" and i smile he's gonna love it, your dads thinking of getting him a cake with bugs on it" and he smiles, Niall loves bugs and animals so we are thinking about getting him a little surprise...

Louis' POV
I'm currently in Robotics class with Michael, last period we sit next to each other luckily and I'm almost done with my project
"Just gotta put this last thing on and....Done!" And I look at it proudly

"Louis T-That's amazing! I'm almost done w-w-with mine but I-I can't seem to get it to w-w-work" Michael grumbled "Here just put this bit on here, then put this part on here and

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"Louis T-That's amazing! I'm almost done w-w-with mine but I-I can't seem to get it to w-w-work" Michael grumbled
"Here just put this bit on here, then put this part on here and....Done!"

"Thanks Louis your a good friend" and he hugs me"Anytime mate" and then the bell rings and I grab my bag"Hey don't forget that we're going to the park with everyone in a bit, want my dad to give you a lift" I say and he nods, we then walk out and ...

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"Thanks Louis your a good friend" and he hugs me
"Anytime mate" and then the bell rings and I grab my bag
"Hey don't forget that we're going to the park with everyone in a bit, want my dad to give you a lift" I say and he nods, we then walk out and I see my dad
"Hi dad, we still going to the park?" And he nods
"Yep, Michael do you want a lift there too"
"Y-Y-Yeah I-If I C-Can" he stutters and he smiles
"Of course buddy" and we get into the car and head there

*At The Park*

Niall's POV
Niall is out of school. Niall waves bye bye to Thomas. Papa says to Niall that Niall see Calum. Niall loves Calum even though Calum is bigger than Niall. Niall is happy. Niall hopes to find bug and show Calum.

Luke's POV
We are currently for everyone to arrive at the park, so far only Zayn, me, Ashton and Calum are here
"Dad I'm been thinking of a new recipe to try, maybe we can try and make scones sometime" Calum says, yes the cochlear implants worked and he hear us talking out loud now but sometimes when the noise gets too much we have to sign to him, he had to go to speech therapy to help him talk and he has a bit of a lisp but that doesn't get to him. he's also into baking and loves to eat different kinds of food.
"Niall!" And he runs to him, picking him up and spinning him around, Niall then waves at him and smiles and then runs over to the bush
"Calum can you go over and-"
"Look after him sure" and he goes over to him
"I swear them two are inseparable even though they're 6 years apart" Ashton cooes and Zayn and liam stare at each other
"We're having another baby" Liam whispers and I laugh
"So Michael how's school been recently, Luke said your better" Zayn says
Y-Yeah L-L-Louis H-Helps Al-A lot with It" he says band he smiles
"Your such a good friend Louis" and then Niall comes back with a worm to show his 2 dads and looks with pleading eyes
"Niall... you know we can't keep them baby" and he looks at him sad "I'm sorry honey" and he goes over to Calum and puts it down
"I think we better get going, Niall looks tired, Louis do you think you can get him he looks like he gonna fall asleep" and he walks away and goes to get him, he then gives him to Liam and Niall is fast asleep
"We'll see you tomorrow" and we say goodbye

What a day....

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