Louis' birthday

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Zayn's POV
Today Louis turns 15, I cannot believe it we got him when he was just 3 years old, he's still upstairs asleep and Michael decided to make him a surprise birthday cake for him which I think is adorable since they're boyfriends. We walk into Louis' room and Liam has his breakfast so he can breakfast in bed, we then all have party poppers and air horns
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS!" And he jumps up
"Bloody hell you scared me" and we all laugh
"My baby is turning 15 today oh my word"
"Daddddd" he whines
"Michael's coming over in a bit and so is your dad's mom" and he nods

*At The Hemmings House*

Michael's POV
I'm currently upstairs playing my PC and then I hear a knock on the door
"Come in" and I see that it's Calum
"Hey Michael do you want help with Louis' birthday cake?" He asks and I nod vigorously
"Yes pl-please I've not made any-anything like this before because I'm-pr-probably te-terrible" and he chuckles
"Well c'mon then" and I head downstairs and I get all the stuff we need for the cake
"Okay so first we need our cake powder and then 3 eggs" and I grab them out the fridge
"Can I crack them?" And I nod and somehow Calum cracks all 3 without getting any shell in the bowl
"Whoa y-you may b-be 12 but your-p-pr-pretty good Cal" and he smiles, then we had to add in flour and all of a sudden I have it in my hair
"Calum?!" And he laughs, I take some of the flour and put it on him
"Alright you two cut it out" Dad says and we get back to cooking, once we've mixed all the ingredients we put it in the oven.
"Okay now for the icing" and we grab the icing powder and put it into a bowl and with in blue food dye with our water
"He's gonna-lo-love it" I say, I'm only a month older than him but somehow I'm the girlfriend out of the two of us.
"Just like you love him" and I smile
"Okay the cake is done!" And my dad puts it on the table and we let it cool down for a bit and then we start decorating it with the blue icing and then top it off with sprinkles.

Liam's POV
"Okay Michael is on his way with Luke, Ash and Cal" and the I hear the door open
"Ha-Happy b-birthday" Michael stutters and I smile
"Thank you" and I kiss him
"I'll g-give y-you y-y-your pr-present tomorrow b-because it's Christmas" and I nod
"That's fine" and the we sit on the couch together and watch 'Outer Banks'
"I find JJ fit what about you?" I ask him
"J-John B" and I smile
"I mean he's alright" I shrug
"Louis close your eyes it's time for your cake!" Ashton tells me and I close them
"Right 3...2...1..." and I open my eyes and see the most incredible cake ever

"Happy birthday dear Louis, Happy birthday to you!!" And I blow out my candles"W-What d-d-did y-you wish f-for?" And I look at Michael "To marry you" I whisper and kiss him

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"Happy birthday dear Louis, Happy birthday to you!!" And I blow out my candles
"W-What d-d-did y-you wish f-for?" And I look at Michael
"To marry you" I whisper and kiss him

Best birthday ever....



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