The wedding 3/4

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Louis' POV
The after party is going amazing and the place is beautiful

"You hungry?" I say to Michael and he nods "well they've got pizza if you want any?" And he nods so I go over to the food stand and get some pizza for him and then some chicken nuggets for me

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"You hungry?" I say to Michael and he nods "well they've got pizza if you want any?" And he nods so I go over to the food stand and get some pizza for him and then some chicken nuggets for me.
"Would the two grooms please head to the dance floor for their first dance" the DJ says and I grab my phone to film them and 'perfect' by Ed Sheeran starts to play and i see my Dad and Papa together and my heart immediately melts
"I-It's L-Like n-n-no one's W-Waching th-them" Michael says and I nod
"It really is" once the song finishes we all start clapping and cheering
"Now everyone can go on the dance floor" and then one of Michael's favourite songs start to play 'A Thousand Years'
by Christina Perri from his favourite movie 'Twilight'
"Do you wanna dance?" I say putting a hand out for him and he takes it and we head to the dance floor and see Calum and Niall dancing to just like me and Mikey, then Luke and Ashton.

Harry's POV
I'm currently sitting down texting my friend James, okay maybe he's not my friend but still and I see my Papa sitting all alone with no one to dance with since my Dad is dancing with his mom I walk up to him
"Pap wanna dance? Don't want you to feel alone specially on your wedding day" I say putting a hand out to him and he takes it and we head over to where my dad and grandma are
"Your a good lad Harry, Lou and Ni are so lucky to have you as a brother" my grandma says and I smile, when the music finishes, Niall's all time favourite song comes on 'Party Rock Anthem' by LMFAO and he takes off his adorable flower crown and gives it to Calum
"Hold for me?" He says and Calum nods and Niall starts to dance and I film it on my phone
"He's so adorable I swear" Louis says and I nod

Luke's POV
"So where are you going for your honeymoon then?" I asked the now married couple
"We've booked a flight for tomorrow morning to go to the Maldives but it's a pretty early flight 4am we'll be away from about 10 days" Liam says
"Well me and ash are free to look after the kids they can sleep over ours tonight, saves you a bit of time" and Zayn nods
"What did I do to deserve you two?" And I shrug my shoulders and then Niall comes over to us
"Uncle Luke dance with Niall?" And he puts out his hand
"C'mon then!" And he giggles as I take his hand and we head to the dance floor and we start dancing

*A Few Hours Later*
"Luke are you sure about having the kids, honestly I can ask my mom to look after them honest-" Liam says as he puts Niall suitcase into the living room
"It's fine Liam please just go on holiday with your husband, they'll be fine plus Niall and Louis love coming over" I interrupted
"He's got a point" Zayn says, and then we say our goodbyes and I pick up Niall and take him to Calum's room
"Will you okay with Niall" and he nods
"I'll look after him dad" and I give him a kiss and then close the door and then I go into Michael's room
"Good night you two, don't do anything I wouldn't do okay?" And they nod their faces turning red and I close the door

"Night Ashy"
"Night Lukey" and I turn off the lamp and then fall asleep

What a fun day...

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