Niall's sick day part 1

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Liam's POV

Niall isn't going to school,he woke up late at night and felt ill and then after threw up from crying so much, Zayn has gone to meet Harry's friend, I wanted to go but work decided to call in. I put his teddy bear that fell in the crock of his neck and then the door opens
"Hey we're here to look after a sick Niall aye" Luke whispers and I sigh
"How long has he been asleep?" Ashton says
"At least 2 hours" and they both sigh
"What symptoms he got" Ashton saying looking at the poor 7 year old boy
"High fever is definitely one, loss of appetite sore throat and sore tummy" and Luke pouts
"We'll be alright, I'll text Zayn if he gets worse" and I grab my keys
"Thanks guys see you later" and I wave to them kissing Niall's forehead quickly
"Feel better soon Ni" I whisper to him as I say to the sleeping boy

Ashton's POV
"I think we should just let him sleep" I say and put my hand through his soft blonde locks
"Yeah it's probably best, Liam texted me and said he was up all night with him cause he couldn't sleep the poor thing" and Niall slowly starts to stir
"Hey shh shh it's okay" and he looks up at me
"Ashy?" He mumbles looking at me, his ocean blue eyes look so dull
"Hey buddy, daddy has gone to work so Ashy and Luke are gonna look after you" and he barely smiles but deep down he was happy.
"Wanna watch a movie" and he nods
"Fishy?" He says pointing at 'Finding Nemo' and so I put it on, Luke then comes and feels his forehead but Niall immediately slaps his hand away
"Hey it's okay I just want to see if your hot still" and he lets him and Luke immediately winces at the touch
"Fucking hell he's roasting" he grits his teeth and then I go into the kitchen and get a washcloth and then some ice and then water, I put the washcloth and ice in the bowl and let that sit before taking it out and squeezing the access water and giving it to Luke
"I just need to put this on your head Niall because your really hot if you get too hot then you'll have to go to the hospital" Luke says to him but Niall has no energy to protest so he carefully puts it on his forehead.
"Thanks" he mumbles

Zayn's POV
"Hi I'm Jake, Harry's friend" a boy with brownish blonde hair says
"It's so nice to finally meet you, Harry here has told us all about you" I say and we head to a nice park and sit down on the bench
"So how did you two meet" and they look at each other

Harry's POV (only for this flashback)
"Hey! Looser catch this!" A boy with brown hair says and throws a baseball at me, causing all my stuff to fall
"No..." I mumbles and a boy with brownish blonde hair comes over
"Here I'll help" and he grabs my pencil case and a few books and passes them to me
"Thanks Uhm.."
"Jake" he says with his hand out
"Harry" and I shake his hand and I see him stare at my shirt
"You like KISS?" And I nod
"Yeah, one of my favourites but I also like Blink-182" and he smiles
"Seems like we have similar taste in music" and I chuckle
"Don't listen to my teammates their just horrible human beings, always have been" and I smile slightly

*End Of Flashback*
"It's almost similar to how Liam and I met oh my gosh" I say and they both laugh
"But I wasn't a nerd like you" Harry says and we laugh

Hey guyssss! How are we all? I'm so excited for Christmas, also one thing before I go I won't be posting as much next week since I will be going to London!! So I'll tell you what days I'll be doing them

Monday: story update
Tuesday: story update
Wednesday: no story update (on my way to London)
Thursday: in the evening story update (when I'm back)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: story update!!

So yeah that's what's going on byeee

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