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A/N: Hey hey my lovely nekos! HimekoLioness here and I am back with the sequel of I Will Still Love You! You guys were requesting for it so I made it! I hope you will enjoy it!


After the death of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, their souls peacefully ascended to heaven, but God was saddened at how miserable they were when they died, even if they smiled at their last breath. Angelo, one of God's angel was also watching with him.

"Such poor souls..."

"I pity them, God.."

"Me too.."

"Can we give them a second chance?"

"Yes... They need this second chance...The deserve it..."

Blossom's P.O.V

I woke up, my head was aching so much. What happened? I looked around my surroundings, am I in a church? But... What happened? I looked at my side to see both my sisters Buttercup and Bubbles unconscious. Why were we here in the first place? What happened? Flashbacks then replayed in my mind.


I remembered drowning after I attempted to murder my lover, Prince Brick, but.. Shouldn't I be dead by now? I shook my sisters awake and they also had the same headache when they woke up.

"What happened?" Buttercup asked.
"Where are we?" Bubbles asked.
"We're in a church... We seem to be... Alive..." I said. They looked at me with a confused look. Maybe they have forgotten already? "Drowning?" I said, more like a question. Their eyes widened. "I remember now... Shouldn't we be dead?" Buttercup said in a puzzled tone.

I nodded, "That's what I thought too..." and just before Bubbles was about to say something, she was interrupted by sound of the door open, they turned their directions to see a nun, who looked shock.

"They're alive!"


Prologue is done! Sorry if it is short... See yah in the next chapter my lovely nekos!


Second Chance ((Sequel to I Will Still Love You/PPGZ and RRBZ))Where stories live. Discover now