Chapter 13

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A/N: here is Chapter 13. Thank you so much for helping me reach 200+ followers, it makes me so happy. No words could describe how happy I am. I also realized that the second book is longer than the first book but meh, who even cares? This is my story anyways. Enjoy the chapter ^_^
This will be a short chapter though T~T
Chapter 13

No One's POV

After that heartwarming scene, Luna smiled at her girls and told them everything about how she became human. They listened to every word that came out of their mother's mouth. Who knows that this might be the last time they'll hear the lovely voice of their mother's.

After her detailed explanation, she turned to her daughters, smiling at them. "I want you to go back to the castle with me.." she said. Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup were wide-eyed. Buttercup shook her head, "I don't think we can face them anymore, Mother..." Buttercup muttered as she clenched her fists. Bubbles looked at the ground with a sad expression. Luna's expression was hurt and worry. She hated it when she saw her girls hurt over someone else, as much as she wanted them to stop loving, she knew that there were always second chances when it comes to love.

"My dear daughters, I know you have been hurt once... But that doesn't mean you'll stop trying. Yes, they are engaged to those princesses.. But that won't stop you from trying again and again... And I know, that the Princes have always reserved a place for you in their hearts..." Luna whisepred to them. Bubbles teared up and hugged her mother. Buttercup and Blossom looked at each other and smiled weakly before joining the loving embrace.

Luna pulled away. "Now, would you like to try once more?" She asked, her hand was outstretched to her daughters and at the same time she was waiting for their response. The girls looked at each other and nodded before placing their hands on top of their mother's. They knew that their mother was proud of their choice so without saying anything, they walked back to the Palace.

~Meanwhile in the Palace~

Prince Brick sighed as he played with his food. He was irritated at how clingy Princess Sarah could be towards him. And even though Princess Sarah was beautiful, no one could ever replace Blossom's beauty. Just as he was about to take a bite of the food he judt played with, he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the double doors opening. Startled, the princes and princesses looked at the source and saw James and Hitomi (remember her?). Prince Boomer arched an eyebrow same as for Prince Butch while Prince Brick just kept his serious facade.

"My liege, I have been reported that Luna has returned with her daughters!" Hitomi exclaimed, her voice was filled with joy. The three princes wasted no time to rush out of the dining table, leaving the three princesses all by themselves. Princess Sarah gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, "Looks like these dead sea wenches can't stay DEAD, can they?" She angrily said before walking out of the dining table with Princess Julie and Princess Luci; who were also angry.

~Back to the Princes~

They quickened the pace as they neared the doors that lead to the throne room. They hoped that this was not a silly joke. As they opened the double doors, they couldn't believe their eyes. Standing in front of them were three girls, all wearing a simple dress with matching colors of their eyes.

And at the sight of the three princes, the three girls bowed in a sign to show respect. And out of nowhere, a woman walked out and said, "Ny princes, I have finally brought back my daughters.."

'And their paths have crossed again..'

Prince Brick's P.O.V

I just couldn't believe it. I could finally see her properly, with no mask, no make-up. She looked absolutely astonishing, no need for fancy gowns. This is really her, the girl that has captured my heart.

Prince Boomer's P.O.V

Seeing her again gives me fireworks exploding inside me. Never have I felt this happy in the past 12 months. And now, I can finally see her with no mask and no make-up.

Prince Butch's P.O.V

There she is. My beloved flower. Oh how I longed for you to be back to me again. I shall thank the Lord for giving me this fate to meet you once again with no mask and up close. The last time, I was cloaked. And now, she looks more beautiful.

No One's P.O.V

The three girls then stood up straight. Blossom's pink eyes met Prince Brick's red ones, Bubbles' baby blue eyes met Prince Boomer's soft blue ones and Buttercup's lovely green eyes met Prince Butch's dark green ones. It was like love in first sight all over again.




(A/N: I just realized the pattern though xD okay moving on!)

The three neared the girls and leaned closer until their lips almost touched. Just as they were about to kiss, the princes stopped at the sound of the double wooden doors slamming open.

'Looks like the drama starts here..'


A/N: sorry for the short chapter everyone. I'm just really tired =_= I was making chapter seven on my other account and at the same time I was thinking of ideas on how to end this sequel. I thought of two options and I want all of you (my lovely nekos) to decided which ending should be appropriate or the ending that fits to your liking.

1. Happy Ending


2. Sad Ending

Please tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote! I'll try updating as fast as I can. This is HimekoLioness signing out!

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