Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

4 good years of my life down the drain. Going in at 12 was the hardest and most stupid thing I could have done. I could have chosen the right like my grandma wanted but by choosing the wrong path I put her in danger and also any chance of me making it big in life. Like seriously YOU tell me who would want a murderer, ex drug addict and an ex self harmer to work for them.

“You ready to go home Kase?” My cell mate Joelle asked. I had grown to love her throughout the past couple of years.

“Yeah man, I’m finally free. How about you Joey?” I asked while fixing my hair.

“Me...Well I’ll be fine. I should be out soon.” She took out phone. Something we weren’t allowed. She quickly jotted her number down on a piece of paper.

“Here” She gave me the sheet and put her phone away as an officer walked in.

“Come on Kasey your free to go.” She said while smiling. I gave Joelle a quick hug before walking out I know for a fact that if my dad knew about the things I done he would be turning in his grave. It was his entire fault anyways. You see my dad was my best friend and my mum’s life. When he died in that plane crash everything went downhill. My mum turnt to drugs. Every time she would get her salary it would go straight to drugs. There would be days I would go to bed starving. Eventually she lost her job and forced me into prostitution. At the time I was 9 year old girl who had just hit puberty early. Everyone wanted a piece of me. Men old enough to be my grandfather even wanted a piece of me. At the age of 10 I had my first abortion believe it or not. By the time I was 11 I was taken in by social services but then given to my grandma because my mum begged them to keep me in the family; my mother was put into rehab. Note the word: MOTHER. She was a mother not a mum.  Even though I was taken away that didn’t stop me. 2 weeks after I was given to my grandmother I met this boy called Ryan and he convinced me that he loved me. He was 18 at the time. I would sneak out and stay at his then be back before my grandma would be awake. I was so use to prostitution that I carried on.

Ryan would tell me he loved me just to get me into bed. But I didn’t care. I liked it. By the time I hit 12 I was arrested for attempted murder. Instead of them keeping me home or putting me on an ASBO I went straight to Juvenile prison.

I shook myself out of my thought and dragged my feet behind the officer.

“I don’t want to see you back her you hear me?”

“Yes Marie.” I said in a bored tone. She was one of the only safe officers in this dump.

“Don’t play with me Kase. Here” She gave me back the things they took off me when I first got here. They had taken the gun and drugs obviously but had left my phone. My brick Nokia, you know the ones with Snake? Yeah those bad boys. I thanked her and walked out. Where to go? I didn’t even know if Ryan still lived in the same house. I didn’t even know if my grandma was still or live or even in an old people’s home. I went to my phonebook. I only had two numbers saved, Ryan and some taxi driver. I would always get in trouble and would need a quick escape and he would be there.Ryan made sure that those were the only two numbers or form of contact I had. I called up the taxi driver and waited.


I got out of the car

“Thanks for that Steve. Uhm I aint got money on me. Maybe next time?”  He agreed. Not only was he my taxi driver, he was my number one customer. I smiled and looked towards the door. I saw a girl walk out of it. Maybe he didn’t live there anymore. I walked up to the door in the end and knocked. I was stood outside for about 5 minutes before someone came to the door. By then I was already walking away



You all should know that I just finished my story ‘Deem’s Life x’ so this is whats gonna keep me from going bored. I don’t really write storys like this so yeah gonna be quite hard but imma try my best. Gonna be quite demanding with this story

If you wanna like talk to me or anything...

Twitter - @NDuah

Talk to me darlings (8


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