18. Tea Party

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The courtyard was filled with round tables and colorful decor that was strangely pleasing to the eye. Empty picture frames hung from tree branches and streamers, keys, and padlocks were held up by paper flowers and dolls. A house of playing cards defied logic and held up potted plants. Small animals wore shirt sleeves and waist coats as they served the students crumpets and scones. A piglet with the cutest curly tail amd bow tie oinked at Evie and she took that to mean they should follow him to a table.

"Thank you," she said nodding after the animal pulled out her chair. Doug grunted.

The piglet only squealed and trotted off to show the next student to their seat.

"This is... um, great. Which cup do we even use?" Doug looked at their table perplexed. It was full of various teacups of different sizes and colors. They were stacked together, some looked to be covered in moss, a few hung upside down on upright spoons. She pushed at the spoon but it just sprung back up.

Magic? Must be.

"I'm not sure." She picked up a teacup that was already full of an orange liquid. She smelled it expecting a citrus scent and surprised to find it smelled like peppermint and cinnamon. She tipped it back to take an experimental sip but nothing came out. Although it sloshed in the cup, to and fro, when she turned it upside down... it refused to leave the cup. She sat it back down on the table. Better to not drink tea that didn't want to be drunk, and she giggled to herself thinking her thoughts sounded like something Rose would say.

Doug was about to say something else, but stopped short when Carlos and Jane joined their table followed by Rose and Maddox. "I've never been to a tea time like this before," Jane said enthralled by the scenery.

"I don't think anyone has," Carlos commented.

"Do you like it?" Rose asked. "I promise the surprises have only begun."

"Surprises?" Carlos hung on to that word.

His girlfriend squeezed his arm and said, "It looks fabulous, Rose. You and Lonnie should be proud."

"When you say 'surprises', do you mean the big exploding kind?" Carlos interjected. "Cause I should warn Dude if there is going to be fireworks."

"You brought Dude? To the tea party?" Evie asked looking around for the mutt, while wondering at what point was it unhealthy for Carlos to be so attached to the dog. Jane has hinted in the past that Dude has become an obnoxious third wheel on dates.

"I invited him, of course," Rose said.

"That you did," Jane said with a forced smile.

At that moment, Dude hopped up on to the seat next to Doug. "Where's the snacks at? I am starving!"

"Dude, what did we say about manners?" Carlos admonished.

"That you should have them at the table?"

"Right. So...?"

"Right," the dog cleared his throat and said with a toothy grin, "Where are the snacks? I am starving. Please."

With the strained patience of parents, Jane and Carlos kept their faces severe while everyone else turned away with barely concealed giggles. Rose clapped and the animal servers began circling around with all manner of appetizers, familiar and curiouser. Unbirthday topper cakes and swirl surprises were some of Evie' favorites.

"Thank you for inviting us to your team party, your... um is it Majesty or Highness?" Doug asked Rose.

"What does that matter?"

"It's a state of address," Jane explained, "are you a queen now?"

"Hm I suppose I am..."

"You sound uncertain. If your mom is trapped here, who is ruling Wonderland?"

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