The original Jiyong felt sexual attraction to the ladies that he dated before. Nikolai felt it when he experienced the memories that the remnant showcased to him but never did it confuse him. He could still differentiate his own feelings from the original Jiyong even though the remnant made it seem like he experienced those memories himself.
This was probably because he held no personal interest in the women shown in the memories. The sexual attraction was there thanks to the original Jiyong's memories but Nikolai automatically felt a strong sense of rejection towards those women. Every single one of them. To him, they were strangers, even though the body he was using right now had sex with a number of them.
The image of Jisoo immediately appeared in his mind, superimposing herself on the ladies' faces. Only then he felt more comfortable going through the memories. It was like an automatic defence mechanism.
Once again, this only proved that he could only get it up for Jisoo now. Deep inside him, he also knew that she was the only woman that he wanted to be with. For now, at least.
'See, this is how you romance a lady,' the remnant told him. 'Blowing your girlfriend's mind in bed like a wild beast is good and all, but from what I've observed from your Miss Prim and Proper so far, she wants you to be a gentleman sometimes and treat her like a queen. Be gentle and sweet especially to a delicate lady like your Jisoo.'
Jiyong, no, Nikolai didn't react on the outside but he was actually listening intently to the remnant's advice. He just wouldn't admit it out loud.
'But I can't really call myself a romance expert 'cuz I've never really fallen in love with someone before. I prefer skydiving and skiing down snowy mountains to getting serious with the ladies. Though it's nice to feel a beautiful and sexy woman's touch now and then. Haha!'
Nikolai still didn't say anything. He already finished putting on clothes. The gym bathroom was steamy from his earlier hot shower. It was a little uncomfortable to stay in the humid room but he didn't dare go outside yet especially when there was a voice speaking in his mind. His subordinates were still training in the gym. He didn't want them to see him distracted. Thus, he stayed in the bathroom and let the remnant finish giving him some romance advice first.
'That's why I think that you should ask Lisa. He only has one experience with your younger sister who's also now my Third Sister-in-Law, but man, he really knows how to go all out when it comes to romancing his lady. Third Brother is the best choice that you have to take inspiration in romancing your own Miss Prim and Proper. What do you think? My idea is awesome, right? Right? RIGHT?!'
Nikolai grunted. "Go away. This fucking headache is pissing me off."
'Tsk tsk. I said so much but you don't even respond properly. Don't change the subject, bro! That's so uncool. Also, fix that grumpy expression of yours before you face your lady. What if you upset her even more? She's pregnant now, dude. Our grandpa will beat you up if something happens to the mother of his beloved great-grandbaby.'
Nikolai snorted but he still checked himself in the mirror and fixed his expression into a neutral one. At least, he no longer looked like an angry bear who wanted to clobber the fool who disturbed it's sleep.
'Damn! Oh, shit!'
'I just realized something, bro!'
Nikolai raised an eyebrow.
'Your baby is my baby, too! Holy shit! I'm going to be a father!'
"The hell you are! I'm the father!"
Unfortunately for him, the remnant was too excited, nervous, and even frightened all at the same time. Nikolai couldn't communicate with it properly anymore. The remnant was too absorbed with the idea of his body fathering a child.
He massaged his head. The dull, throbbing ache wasn't that bad but it was still annoying as fuck, like a fly buzzing around him that he couldn't catch and kill.
Thankfully, the remnant ran out of energy and retreated to the back of his consciousness to rest once again. Nikolai was relieved.
He touched his reflection in the mirror. The man staring back at him wasn't Nikolai Vetrov. It was Jiyong. But now he was both.
"I'm going to be a father."
The reality was just now starting to really sink in.
"Me, a father?"
So many feelings were assaulting him at the moment. Shock, wonder, amazement, excitement...and fear. Yes, fear.
He looked up at the ceiling and tried to calm himself.
Later, Lisa arrived at his appointed meeting at the mansion's bar. His brother-in-law was already there and downing brandy straight from the bottle. He didn't bat an eye even after noticing that Jiyong was drinking a bottle that he won for tens of thousands of dollars from an American auction years ago when he was still a bachelor and such things still boosted his ego.
Lisa sat next to his brother-in-law and watched him drink alcohol like water. There was a trace of disapproval in his eyes. "Don't poison your body with alcohol."
Jiyong smirked before draining the rest of the brandy. Then he reached for another random bottle, this time whiskey, but Lisa took it away from him.
"Give it to me." Jiyong glared at him.
Lisa wasn't affected in the least. "Jisoo is upset. Instead of coaxing her, you're here drowning yourself in alcohol. My wife looks up to you for being a strong man, but from what I'm seeing of you right now, you're just a coward."
The bar stool crashed to the floor.
Lisa didn't react even as his collar was pulled and shaken by his furious brother-in-law.
"Say that again, you fucker," Jiyong growled.
"You're a coward, Nikolai," Lisa said in a calm voice.
Jiyong punched Lisa's face but it didn't touch him. He missed on purpose. His fist smashed the display of glasses behind Lisa instead, sending shards of glasses flying to the floor.

The Wife Is A Superstar 7
FanfictionA world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Jennie Kim, a pop...