Chapter 1369 Out For Blood

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All the reporters became even more excited after hearing Jennie's savage words. This was one of the reasons why the media loved her. She was so different to most celebrities who were always careful and calculating in every single word they said.

If Jennie wanted to say something, she would say it regardless of what other people thought.

She learned to be a bit more tactful with time but this trait would always show up especially in situations like this. Whenever someone targeted her or the people she cared about, she wouldn't hesitate to retaliate.

The reporters were hanging on to her every word, afraid of missing anything. Even the other guests who happened to hear what she said decided to stay around and continue listening.

"Want me to act like everything is fine after everything that cheating couple did?" Jennie continued saying in front of the cameras. "As you all already know, I'm a musician, not a seasoned actress. I'm not good in pretending. I prefer to write songs and convey my emotions through my music rather than force myself to act fake.

"What's more, my talent fee is quite expensive. Not many could afford me. But of course, if I really like a project and believe in it, I might agree to lower my price. Maybe even work for free. It depends. Unfortunately, the cheating couple's wedding is not a project that I want to involve myself even if they pay me three times my average talent fee rate.

"People need to learn that sometimes blood is not thicker than water. Our family is often our greatest source of love, warmth, comfort, happiness, motivation and inspiration. But unfortunately there are some people who experience the exact opposite. Their families are toxic vampires—parasites. They suck out all the love, warmth, comfort, happiness, motivation and inspiration instead.

"When you are high up there enjoying all the success that you worked so hard to earn by yourself, they're always there wanting—no, demanding—their own shares. They act as if they deserve your success just based on their blood relations with you. They want you to pull them and their own families up as if it's only natural. And when you refuse, they get angry and act like you're a bad person, an ingrate, who have forgotten where you came from.

"If you don't recognize them for who they are—toxic parasites—and cut them off from your life before it's too late, then you're the one who's going to suffer in the end. They'll continue bleeding you dry until you're left with nothing. And when you have nothing left to give them, I bet that they'll be the first ones to flee as if you have an incurable disease. When it's your turn to ask them for help like how you helped them in the past, they'll slam their doors close in your faces."

Many people who were listening to what she said felt emotional. There were those who experienced this kind of unfair and seemingly hopeless situation in some way. This wasn't uncommon at all.

Jennie Kim is right!

Those kind of opportunistic, greedy relatives and friends were nothing but toxic parasites. The best solution was to cut them off from their lives before it was too late.

Then the people became a little confused and curious at the same time. Why was Jennie talking about this?

Was she likening her half-brother, Donghwi, to toxic parasites?

This was too extreme, wasn't it?

Donghwi was considered the crown prince of the Kim clan. He had money and status. He wasn't a destitute, opportunistic relative. Or was he?

The people didn't know all the details about the real situation behind closed doors. They only knew about what was being reported in the media.

Then Jennie said, "Of course, the cheating couple's situation is not the exact same as the one that I just talked about."

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