Chapter 1294 - Long, Agonizing Wait

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The delivery room door opened. Everyone turned their heads to see Lisa and Jae supporting a pale Jennie in a customized hospital gown.

"Oh dear." Chitthip immediately hurried towards them but Lisa refused to leave his wife's side.

Jae stepped aside to let Chitthip support Jennie with Lisa.

Chitthip fished out a handkerchief and wiped Jennie's sweaty forehead. "How are you feeling, Ruby?"

Jennie only grunted and focused on walking in slow, laboured steps. Her mother-in-law didn't mind that she didn't respond. On the contrary, Chitthip was very understanding and inquired her son instead.

Lisa's expression was unsightly. He couldn't hide his fear and anxiety but was still doing his best to get it together for his wife's sake. This wasn't the time for him to crumple under pressure. Seeing his wife enduring this kind of suffering felt like there was a knife being stabbed directly into his heart.

If only it were possible, he would gladly take away all of her pain and endure everything for her. Unfortunately, all he could do was stay beside her and give her moral support.

"The doctor recommended for her to take a walk," he told his mother.

Chitthip nodded. "Yes, taking a walk should make the actual childbirth a little easier. That's what I did too when I gave birth to you and your brother back then."


Jennie stiffened and cried out in pain.

Lisa looked as if he was experiencing the same pain. He hugged her and tried soothing his poor wife.

"What the fuck is the damned doctor doing?" Jiyong's murderous voice demanded.

A huge, hulking shadow covered Jennie, Lisa and Chitthip.

"How come the medical staff is not doing anything for the pain?! Those damned quacks! I'll fucking beat some sense into their shitty brains—"

"Ni—Jiyong!" The pregnant Jisoo caught up with him. She tried pulling his arm but to no avail. "Please c-calm down. Don't do anything rash, okay?"

The sweaty and panting Jennie peered at them through pain-filled eyes. She muttered something to Jiyong but her voice was too faint for others to hear what she was saying. Only Lisa who was the closest to her caught some Russian words. However, his proficiency level in the language was too rudimentary for him to understand what his wife said to her brother.

Jiyong heard his sister and read her lips at the same time. He looked torn but eventually calmed down. Somewhat. He glanced at Jisoo and calmed down some more.

"Come," he said while already pulling his woman away.

"W-wait! Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to Hoyeon," Jiyong answered.


Jiyong down and carried her like a princess. "Help Hoyeon watch over her kid and the cats."

She opened her mouth about to argue again but he silenced her with a deep, hard kiss. Dazed, she could no longer remember what she wanted to tell him.

"It's better for you not to witness my sister giving birth," he told her.

"...huh? Why?"

'It might traumatize you,' was what Jiyong wanted to say but stopped himself in time.

Actually, this was what his sister told him just now. Jennie still managed to notice the frightened Jisoo through the haze of labour pains. She told him to take Jisoo away to avoid traumatizing the woman.

Jisoo had a rather timid personality. If she got too frightened witnessing Jennie experience the pain of childbirth, it might cause a negative impact on Jisoo when it is her turn to give birth next.

Jiyong didn't want to leave his little sister like this but his own pregnant fiancé was important to him, too. If something happened to Jisoo and their own twins due to his negligence, then he would never forgive himself.

His little sister's reminder forced him to clear his mind. She had her husband now who could stay by her side while he also had his own pregnant woman who he needed to care for.

"We'll come back and visit my sister after she gives birth to our nephews," he told Jisoo.

She studied his expression before nodding. "You can put me down now. I'm...h-heavy."

"Nonsense." Jiyong snorted "I can still carry you even with just one arm."

She leaned her head against his shoulder and hid her smiling face before mumbling, "And Ruby is MY sister, not yours."

Jiyong filtered out what she always.


The sun set and darkness spread across the sky.

More people arrived at the hospital wing. Jihoon and Jia came with Alice.

"How come the baby hasn't come out yet?" Jihoon asked his wife while scowling at his wristwatch. "Is this normal?"

He tried remembering the times when his own children were born but came out blank. During those times, he had been too focused on expanding Kim Industries into the international shipping industry. In short, he hadn't personally witnessed the birth of any of his children. He only came to see the mothers when the babies were already born and cleaned up for meeting him.

Jia didn't have any children of her own so she couldn't give her husband a definite answer. All she could do was try to calm him down.

The atmosphere in the waiting lounge area had grown heavy.

Jennie had been in labour since the morning. It was now evening.

She would sometimes come out of the room to walk around the hallways so they saw with their own eyes how she gritted her teeth through the painful contractions.

Even the usually loud and lively Grandpa was now brooding in nervous silence.

Jiyong returned followed by the butler wheeling a cart filled with some light refreshments.

"Jiyong, where's Jisoo my girl?" Grandpa asked his grandson.

"Sleeping with the cats in our room," Jiyong replied before taking a position by the window with the most direct view of the delivery room door.

He leaned against the window and crossed his muscled arms across his wide chest. His eyes never left the door.

He wasn't the only one.

All of them could only sit through the long, agonizing wait and pray for the mother and baby's safety.

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