Chapter 1289: Mini Devils

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After eating her sandwich, Chaeng brought the conversation back to business.

"Two of the factories that we're trying to buy out changed their initial asking price," she said. "They want more money after seeing that we sold out all our current Orchidia Mommy and Orchidia Baby inventory."

"Leave them," Jennie replied with a cold expression. "They're not the only factories in the country. If time isn't so tight, we don't have to buy out ready-made factories and just focus on building our own from the ground up. Building from scratch takes longer but we can design the factory according to our exact specifications. It's important to own our factories to limit counterfeit products and also to have full power when it comes to management, quality control and things like that."

The others nodded in agreement.

"We'll still go ahead and build our own factory," Jennie continued saying. "In the meantime, we have to buy out other factories to fill up our current inventories. If we're having trouble with domestic factories, we can explore the possibility of opening up a factory in the Philippines."

Jae's eyes lit up after hearing a mention of the country.

"Linda is already working on opening up our Orchidia Filipino branch anyway. I'm sure that if we really wanted to, she can find a way to open up a factory for us, too."

Jae was quick to reassure Jennie. "Don't worry, boss! My second sister won't let you down! If you want to open a factory, my sister will open one for you!"

Chaeng pursed her lips and thought about it before nodding. "That's something we need to think more about carefully. The Philippines has different legal requirements for foreign businesses after all."

"I'll consult with Lisa about that," Jennie replied. "He has some experience working with Filipino partners before."

"What about the funding?" Jisoo asked next.

"M Holdings will take care of Orchidia's current expansion in the international market so don't worry about that. Just take care of the domestic funding for now."

"Okay, I understand." Jisoo looked relieved that she didn't need to readjust the company budget once again.

They talked about business for a little longer before finishing up. Jae helped Jennie up while Chaeng supported Jisoo.

"Fucking hell, you two look like you're about to pop!" Chaeng exclaimed.

"What do you expect?" Jennie replied. "We're both expecting twins."

"You're truly sisters," Chaeng mumbled.

Jennie only smiled at Chaeng's comment. In her mind, she didn't think that the twins came about due to her being sisters with Jisoo. There had been no precedent of having twins in the Kim genealogy.

Although it might be a fantastical idea, Jennie was keen to believe that her and Jisoo becoming pregnant with twins wasn't due to them being sisters but more on the fact that she and Jiyong had been siblings in their past life.

Madam Vetrova, their mother in their past life, came from a family that produced a number of twins.

Jennie glanced at Jisoo. Her sister of the flesh had been impregnated by her brother of the soul.

Jisoo caressed her huge belly. Unlike Jennie, Jisoo's pregnancy was rather smooth-sailing. She didn't experience any difficult morning sickness. She just felt sleepy, fatigued, and of course, hungry all the time.

In fact, she developed like other normal pregnant women. She gained a lot of weight and became quite chubby. As a result, she no longer looked smaller than Jennie but bigger instead.

Just by comparing their sizes alone, others might conclude that Jisoo was the one who got pregnant first than Jennie.

At first, Jisoo was bummed out and worried that Jiyong might disdain her new fatter self. She only gained more confidence when he reassured her that he liked her with more meat. She was softer to hold. He especially loved her bigger boobs.

She couldn't stop the pink tinge from spreading on her cheeks upon remembering how her fiancé used his actions in bed to reassure her.

"Uuuuuuuuy~ I bet Big Sis Jisoo is thinking about something naughty! Ehehehe," Jae teased.

Jisoo covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"So both of you are having all boys?" Chaeng asked.

Jennie and Jisoo nodded.

"My gosh!" Chaeng then patted both of them in the back and said in a serious tone, "Good luck."

Before the pregnant women could thank her, Chaeng added, "I hope your sons don't take after their fathers."

Jennie frowned.

"What do you mean by that?" Jisoo asked.

"One is too cold and domineering, the other is a muscle-headed brute."

Jennie scowled.

"Hey!" Jisoo felt offended for her man.

Chaeng ignored their obvious protests and continued, "Imagine two mini Lisas and Jiyongs. Ugh! That's, like, having four mini devils running around and wreaking havoc everywhere. It's gonna be worse if they inherited their fathers' possessive nature towards their mothers."

She hugged herself and shivered.

Jennie and Jisoo fell silent. The image that Chaeng described played inside their own heads.

"That...uhm, that's actually possible," Jisoo admitted.

She glanced at her belly and started to worry.

Jennie shrugged her shoulders. "If they become mini devils, then so be it. Be it devils or not, they're still going to be our children."

"That's right!" Jae agreed.

"Che, always acting so cool," Chaeng stopped acting and rolled her eyes at Jennie who seemed unaffected.

Jennie chuckled.

To be honest, Jennie still felt terrified at failing as a mother. It was only thanks to her husband's constant encouragement that she had grown more confident in raising their children. She wasn't alone. Lisa was there to help her and vice versa.

There were also their loved ones who would surely be there to shower their children with additional love and care. Her fear was still ever-present, but as long as she trusted in her husband and their loved ones, then she would surely be able to correct herself in time if she ever went down the road of becoming a bad mother.

Even if she couldn't trust in herself, she trusted in Lisa.

This was why she didn't mind if her sons became mini devils.. Their father would surely discipline them.

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