Fight Fighters

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A/n: this is actually the farthest i got last time!!! 

"This is it dudes! My favorite place in Gravity Falls." Soos explained, gesturing to the arcade interior. "Everything I know, I learned right here!" He led Will and Aaron around, pointing to certain games. "A frog taut me ow to cross the street. When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts. And this thing taught me to dance." He pointed to a dance machine, which had Hector giggling and dancing.

Will picked up a cord, and looked at Aaron, who just stared at Hector sadly. He went to hold a hand out, but Hector smacked it away and kept dancing.

Will started walking around, eyeing the games. He spotted where his brother was, who was currently playing Fight Fighters in the back with Tessa and Dipper. Aaron, after attempting to try and ensure Hector was alright, ending up stopping by a game titled "Insert token!"

He input a token, and watched as the screen popped up with "Congratulations! You win!" Aaron smiled, waiting for the next thing, as it changed back to the insert token screen. He rolled his eyes, going off to find a new game to play.

Meanwhile, Bill, and Tessa were fighting each other, (As Dipper floated nearby for his turn) as the cutscene came up. "Ooh cutscene!"




Bill started spamming the buttons on his side of the game, while Tessa attempted multiple combos. She failed, and Bill's button mashing won once again. "Aww dude!! You've gotta play the combos and stuff, not just button mash the whole time." Tessa said, as the screen showed the KO finale. "Nah. I always win with BUTTON MASHING!!" Bill said the last part in a Rumble McSkirmish-kinda tone, as Dipper slid in to have his turn playing. "Punch the ref!" Bill told him, watching over his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Farah taped up posters of her band, watching as Tessa, Bill, and Dipper all played fight fighters. "Tessa! What's up babe??" She says, interrupting the game. Tessa let o of the controllers to look at whatever Farah was trying to show her, as Bill jumped in and started fighting Dipper.

"It's for my band. I'm lead bass. No biggie." "That's cool, Farah. The guys were just showing me this great game.. that i got kicked off of, I guess." Tessa looked at Bill, who just continued button mashing as Dipper kept cheating and refilling his health bar.

When Bill eventually won, (after pushing Dipper to the side and mashing buttons quickly. "I wo-ACK!" Farah pushed Bill out of the way, grabbing onto the controllers. "Why don't you sit this one out, okay, champ?" Bill opened his mouth to say something extremely mean about her eyeliner, before Dipper wrapped his arms around Bill's mouth and dragged him away. He huffed as Tessa reminded Farah that she'd be gone the next day.

"Dude this is so bogus. What was the pushing me even for?!" Bill ranted, as Dipper watched someone stare at him for a good couple of seconds before running out of the arcade in horror. He looked down at his bow tie and readjusted it, as if the position of his tie was at all the problem.

Bill continued ranting, before Aaron rounded everyone up and drove home. The drive was quiet except for Will and Soos, who chattered on about some game they had found.

The next day, they all played poker/go fish/old maid/ blackjack/whatever Soos was playing together with cards, betting on chipackers. "King me!" Will cheered, pulling all the crackers towards him while giggling. Everyone groaned except for Dipper, who had no clue what on earth they were even playing. "He doesn't even know what we're playing!" Aaron pointed out, as Bill muttered "she doesn't even go here!" Under his breath. "Go fish?" Will questioned, as loud bass surrounded the house.

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