
30 2 11

2009-August 17th





"911 operator, what's your emergency?"

"uhm.. holy shit.. uhm, there was two kids on the cliffs.."

"Alright, are they alright?"

"Holly get the kids in the car.. Holy shit...holy shit."

"Sir? is everything alright? Do you need medical services?"

"the other kid fucking exploded...holy shit. He.. oh my god. there's organs everywhere. I.. There's so much blood. Oh my fucking god.."

"Sir? Sir, is everything alright?"

"Two.. two kids were up on the cliffs.. they fell! One landed in the water, but the other.."



*Rustling noises*

"holy shit kid, what happened? Are you alright-"


"Sir, is everything alright?"

"Uhm.. There's so much blood, Miss."

"Okay, where are you?"


"Alright, we're sending medical services."

"Come quickly, please."





Notes: Dominick Lorens, 11, was pronounced dead at the scene. The other victim, [REMOVED BY GOVERNMENTAL INTRUSION] claimed that Melissa Knowenie, 15, pushed him off, and slammed [REMOVED] into the ground. [REMOVED] recalls pushing her away and slipping and falling.

The Lorens family is pressing charges against Knowenie, after video evidence of the actions were found on Knowenie's phone. She pled guilty in court, and was charged with homicide, earning her 72 years in jail.

[REMOVED] was kept out of the media, after Anonymous filed the documents for his media erasure.

Notes were added-2011 December 9th

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