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TW: referenced child abuse, insecurities,

"Zombie attack? Never works. They don't listen. Blood rain? Ew, no, mess up my hair. Demon caterpillars? God. There must be a perfect way to exact vengeance on the Pines Family. It's not enough to harm 'em. I need to take something from them..." Jeremy sat at his desk, his popsicle stick version of the Mystery Shack in front of him while he skimmed Journal 2. "Something that'll give me.. ultimate power.."

He stared at the mini shack in front of him, before giggling to himself. "It's perfect!"

At the shack, Bill sat on top of the chair in the living room, Will laid against the dinosaur head, and Aaron lounged in his seat, while the quadruples (Dipper sitting on Bill's shoulder) watched Duck-tective.

The doorbell rang, and Aaron groaned, getting up. He cleared his throat, before opening the door. "Welcome to a world of Mystery!" The man stood there menacingly, before asking "Aaron Pines?" Aaron's eyes widened as he yelled "The tax collector! You found me!" And threw a smoke bomb on the ground.

Disappearing in a flash, Arron ran into the room, rummaging against the walls to find the safe. "WHICH ONE OF THESE IS THE TRAP DOOR???" "Mr.Pines, I'm from the Winninghouse Coupon Savers Contest, and you are our big winner!" The air suddenly filled with confetti and Bill held out a really big fork he just had in his pocket for whatever reason, as women with a giant check ran in.

"My one and only dream, which was to possess money, has come true!" Aaron marveled. "Woah we're rich now. I'm gonna get a butler." Will said, Bill reluctantly putting the fork back into his pocket. "I'm gonna get more fabric!"

"Just sign here for the money!" Coupon guy said. "you bet!" Aaron said, a familiar smirk crawling onto his face. Jeremy burst though the check, laughing. "Aaron you fool! You just signed over the Mystery Shack to me!!" He did a stupid little dance before giggling, Bill, Will and Aaron watching him with confusion. "Sure buddy, Sure. Check again, Hairspray." Aaron said, still smirking.

Jeremy shrugged, before looking at the papers. "The shack is hereby signed over to... suck a lemon little man!?" Aaron laughed, as Jeremy filled with rage. "YOU-YOU-YOU BASTARDS!" He ran out fuming, cursing them out.

Bill climbed back onto the chair as the group went to go see what else was on.




In the shack, Bill and Dipper were playing chess. "Pawn to that space." Bill said, placing the pawn on the board. "You haven't played chess in a while, have you." Dipper asked, making a couple spaces. "Checkmate anyhow." "Oh boo!" Bill groaned, as Dipper snapped a scoreboard into existence. "For the fifth time, I've won." Bill huffed, as Soos spoke up. "Yo Bill, can you pass me that brain in a jar? The lady one?" Bill nodded, turning to Dipper. "There's one place I beat you at. Height!"

As Bill handed Soos the jar, Dipper snapped into his human form. "No you don't. I'm taller." "Nuh uh!" Bill insisted. "Yuh-huh!" The two went back and forth for a minute, as Soos pulled out a measuring tape.

The two stood head to head, Soos measuring the two of them. "Woah dude. He's got a whole centimeter on you." He told Bill, who whipped around. "Augh this is bull! Nobody even uses centimeters!" Dipper opened his mouth to say something, and chose not to. Bill sat back on his turtle seat, Dipper still standing. "Not my fault I'm taller. It's those demon genes." "Like alpha demon!" Soos said, Bill cringing.

Dipper, who had fortunately not seen the depths of the internet (yet) like Bill had, nodded. "Alpha demon." Bill had an option to say something, but he did not. "Woah who're we making fun of?" Aaron asked, popping into the shop. "I am taller than Bill." "Huh, really? Would've coined you two as the same height." "Nope. I have a centimeter on him. He's like napoleon!" Bill stewed in his own anger, storming off angrily.

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