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TW: Description of burning alive, depression, implied child death

Aaron's car pulled right up to the front of the Halloween store with Bill, Will, Dipper and Soos inside. Aaron got out leaning against his car. "Here we are! The Summerween Superstore."

"Wait..summer what?" Will asked, Bill's excitement already leaking out in a series of giggles. "Summerween! The people of this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year! And look at that, it's today!" Aaron pointed out on a calendar he had pulled out. "Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?" Bill asked, Aaron ignoring the question and shoving it back into his blazer. "Summerween? Soemthing about this feels unnatural." Will said, before Bill picked him up with a massive grin. "You mean...SUPERNATURAL?!!!" Bill cackled before running right into the store, leaving Dipper, Soos and Aaron very confused. "It's this show he watches cause he thinks the actors are hot." They all went "ohhhh" in understanding and walked into the store.

While the trio goofed off, Dipper floating behind Bill who was carting Will around in a wheelbarrow, shouting about costumes, as Soos messed with the skulls on a shelf. He pushed one on the head, as it spoke. "I'd lend you a hand, but I don't seem to have any!" The skull then cackled for a moment, before shutting off. "This guy tells it like it is!" Soos laughed, as an employee asked him not to push it again. "Ma'am, make thee heads less hilarious, and you've got yourself a deal."

Aaron grabbed the gallon of fake blood, muttering to himself. "When the children come to my door tonight, they'll run screaming from Aaron Pines, Master of Fright!" He looked over at a baby, and smiled. "Boo." The baby burst into tears, and the employee surveyed the store.

The trio had run right into a stack of Jack-o-melons, Soos continuously pushed all the skeleton heads, and Aaron was getting fake blood everywhere.

Over the intercom, the employee announced. "Have the police come and eject the Pines Family from the store." "NOT TODAY!" Aaron screamed, throwing a smoke bomb down, right as Dipper snapped them all back to the parking lot. "We paid for this, right?" Will asked, Aaron nodding.

Inside the store, the employee lifted a piece of paper up to see a badly drawn dollar with Aaron's picture on it. "I hate Summerween." She sighed, right as Aaron's car smashed into a telephone pole.




At the shack, that was decked out in Summerween decor, Dipper and Bill were holed up in Bill's room. Bill rummaged through his clothes, trying to find a good costume. "GOD WHY DON'T I HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR??? I CAN LITERALLY MAKE CLOTHES!" "Maybe you just have to many costumes." Dipper said, eyeing the trench coat and tie Bill had. "Says you, you just wanna go as yourself." "I can improvise my costume. Most people don't wear a suit everywhere." Dipper pointed at a black shirt, and looked at Bill. "Why not be a witch. They're a typical... thing, in Halloween." Bill looked at the shirt, then at the purple lense-d glasses he had bought not too long ago. "Hmm."

Downstairs, Will rummaged around in the candy bucket, not really into everything going on. Will hated Halloween with a passion. In piedmont, trick or treating had to be done with someone who could fight off three guys at once, and while Bill was decently good at fighting, the running away part was what got him.

Besides, Mom never really wanted them to go out for that long anyway. There was one time after dark when they stayed out a bit late, and he and Bill had to ditch the candy to run from the morons from school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2024 ⏰

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