Chapter 4

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      Owen looked down and sighed, rubbing his eyes. Claire started massaging his neck. " It's okay. Things will be just fine . " She spoke in a soft voice. I wonder if she was trying to reassure him or herself. " I'm not so sure . . . " Owen started, looking up . " . . . maybe I should go after her . " He proposed, walking towards the door . " I'm going too . " Zach proclaimed, standing up . " No, you're not, Zach . This is none of your business . " Claire scolded him. He looked angry, and I could tell he was about to scream at her, when I " coughed " and glared at him. He sighed, composed himself, then began talking. " With all due respect Aunt Claire, it really is  my business. She's my girlfriend . " He retorted . Claire had nothing to say at this, because it was true .

     Owen was about to leave again, and this time Allison spoke up . " I'm going too . " She says , confidently standing up . " Me too . " Brooklyn agrees . " So am I . " Dunkan says . They are all up at this point, and started walking to the door, when I cleared my throat, getting their attention . " Well, on Alex's behalf , let me just say , I'm so flattered all of you want to help her. " I state, with an edge of sarcasm creeping into my voice.  " But in case any of you haven't noticed at this point, this is not the revolutionary fucking war. We don't need an army to go into a girl's bathroom . " I hissed at them , making the boys blush . " No offense, but you'll only make it worse . " I sneered at them , putting my hands on my hips . The four teenagers all go back to their seats, but Dunkan kisses me on the cheek first . As he's sitting down , he says " Damn babe  ". (Yeah . Be afraid of me ) " That's right " Owen starts , taking the opportunity he thinks I've presented to him.  " I'll go talk to her myself . " He tells us, about to leave . " CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR . "  I command him in a clear voice. He walks back in, looking at me . His face is a mixture of shock, awe and horror.

      " Now then . Take a seat . " I order him . He does so , the look on his face unchanging. " Okay. You're going to let me calm her down first . The, when I say it's all clear, you'll come and clear things up with her . Got it ? " I half bark at ,  half ask him . He nods slowly, and turns in his chair , facing everyone else.  " Where the hell did you learn to do all that ? " Asks an impressed Claire. " The one and only . " I say, giving her a bow , and leaving .

     On my way to the bathroom, I pass by a confused young man . Eric. " Hey Bre ? " He stops me . " Yes Eric ? " I ask plainly . " What's wrong with Yankee ? " He asks, his Australian voice full of concern . " Babies " I respond emotionlessly, walking away from  him .  ( Someone's gotta play the part of the bitch every now and then , right ? ) As I get to the bathroom, I poke my head in to see if Alex is there. She sits at the sink, washing her face . " Excuse me ! " Snarls an old, fat British woman . I fight back the urge to rip that belly right off her leathery body, and calmly move so she can get out . I'm just about to say something , when the bathroom door slams shut . ( Damn that old hag . ) I almost pee myself , and it's evident the same can be said for Alex. ( Who jumped as well , by the way . ) " H . . . hi  . . . " I say sheepishly , before pulling her into a hug. When we pull away, she looks at me like she expects me to say something.

      " So . . . um . . . I'm guessing you found out about h- I mean  . . . the baby . " I stammer . " Wait , you knew ? And didn't tell me !? " She barks  . " We all did . " I say, looking down . " I would've told you, but Claire told us to keep it a secret . " I say trying to make things better . I can tell I do. " It's fine, but I'm irritated with you . " She sighs, crossing her arms . She turns her head to the side, and puckers her lips . What a bitch . ( I'm kidding Alex , calm down ! Alex  . . . what are yo-- PUT THE BRACHIOSAURUS DOWN . )  I smile, and put my arm around her . " Happy as can be ! " I sing in her ear.  She jokingly throws my arm off of her . " Fuck outta here with that ratchet white girl voice . " She says, trying to sound cool . Scrub . " Wow, rude . " I say . " You know it girl . " She says, as we begin to crack up . We keep laughing until a knock comes from the bathroom door . " Alex , come out please ! At least let me explain ! " He begs . Was he outside the door this entire time ? Eew.  Alex looked over me , as I smile and push her out the door .

      " It was an honest mistake, we didn't mean to take it that far . " He explains . I shuffled uncomfortably at that . ( Okay, yes. I'll be the first to admit, I used to have a huge crush on Owen . I thought he was super hot . There . Shoot me . ) " Okay , TMI ! " Alex says, smiling.  All I could do was laugh and smile . The two of the awkwardly stood there, for about two seconds, before I intervened .  " Just fucking hug already ! " I almost scream . He smiles, and pulls her into  a big ass bear hug, just as she was opening her arms .  " FINALLY .  Now that our little soap opera is over, let's go back to the cafe . " I exclaim , glad everything was solved. They look at each other , smile , and follow me back to our friends .


Chapter 4  is here ! the first time i've posted before xXNickRobinsonXx i think, lol .  Chapter 5 is coming soon from me ! In the mean time . . . uh  . . . eat . yeah . that works . BYE !!

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