Chapter 6

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Maybe I should have been more terrified or affected by the fact I was just thrown down about 20 feet . Or that I just saw someone get eaten alive . But I wasn't . I felt nothing . I was numb to it all. Maybe it was the adrenaline . Or maybe it was the actual dinosaur that scared me more . I couldn't say . Whatever this was, it seemed like it could have easily killed the Indominus Rex . I could tell . This creature, was truly a monster. I'd seen it for maybe five minutes, and I could tell , that I'd be having nightmares for a long time about it .

It held the snout of a Crocodile , the body of a T-Rex , and tail similar to that of a Rattlesnake . But that wasn't all . It had the body armor of Ankylosaurus , Carnotaurus horns , and a neck that belonged to Carcharodontosaurus . Perhaps the " icing on the cake " , was the spine that trailed from the nape of the neck , to the end of the spine, to the end of the pelvis . Then another thought entered my head . If it had the spine of a Spinosaurus , could it swim and submerge itself just like one ? I wouldn't be surprised .

I just stood these for a second, staring at the beast . The sounds of screams from the others just didn't resonate with me . It wasn't until someone grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the forest . I still just stared backwards as I ran . The others had the same idea it seems like . I stumbled, and crashed onto the ground , face first . Nothing was broke, but I was jolted out of my trance . I smelled blood, and I freaked out a second because of it. Then I realized it was probably my nose. I tried to pull myself up , but I kept falling each time . Someone's hand quickly found mine, and pulled mine . I was on my feet and running again before I even knew it . Whoever was with me , kept pulling me and making me run whenever I started to slow . Although I hated it then, I realize now that they probably saved my life . My vision started to blur and began to distort . My skin felt paper thin, and I had an awful ache in my head and stomach . We only stopped when I blacked out .

When I woke, my head was still throbbing . My button up was off of me, and I was only wearing my tank-top and skirt. My shoes had been neatly placed on my folded button up, a few inches to my left . A canteen had been placed at my feet, and I noticed, I'd been laying on pile of giant, but cold leaves. I started to get up, when a foul taste entered my mouth . I felt queasy , and I felt something begin to slowly ascend up my throat . I only just reached the bush, when I began retching . But nothing came up . So I was hunched over a little group of bushes, my body trying to rid itself of things that weren't there for about three minutes. When my body realized it was empty, it stopped . I sat there shaking , not straying to far from the bush , just in case .

I finally forced myself up and to the canteen . I guzzled all of the water down , and laid back down, still unsatisfied. When I was just about to shut my eyes, some bushes nearby began to rustle . I tried to get up to run away, but I couldn't force my lower half to cooperate . Something crashed through the tree's , and certain this was my imminent end, I clenched my eyes shut. But no teeth sank into me, and no horns pierced my fragile body . Instead, a pair of arms pulled me into what felt like a hug . Dunkan ? Alex ? No, it couldn't be, I was too far from them when I was running. That's when I noticed it . The faint scent of saltwater, and the faded scent of cologne . Colton.



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