Tony, What the Hell Did You Do?!?

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3rd person POV

Everyone sat around Avengers tower on this slow day when Tony Stark walked in.

"Hey, biatches." He said, receiving a few 'wassup's in return. "Why is everyone being so lazy, come on?" Tony groaned. Steve turned his head, "Stark, you try being a hero with nothing to do. You're always on business trip while we have to stay here." Tony rolled his eyes and walked over to his large bar table.

He was about to grab his favorite bottle of Scotch when an idea came to him. "Shall we play a game?" He called to his fellow team members. Everyone stopped what they were doing and walked towards the billionaire.

"We are all adults, right?" Tony asked. "I don't know Stark, I don't think that they consider 25 year olds as adults." Clint said, slapping Loki's hand. Tony rolled his eyes and motioned towards all of his liquor.

"I think we could do something interesting with this, what do you say guys, do you trust me." Tony said. Everyone gave each other a few concerned looks when Thor decided to speak.

"What is this game you speak of?" He asked. "Good question, my Asguardian friend." Tony started. " I was thinking that we could do a drunk version of spin the bottle, plus add a little truth or dare in the mix. How you play is you ask the person the bottle landed on the truth or dare question, then the other person has to do whatever you say , and if they don't do it, you both have to take three shots AND kiss in front of everyone."

Everyone fell quiet again. Then they all came around to Tony's ridiculous idea, realising that they had nothing else to do.

"Great, let's get this game started." Tony laughed like a mad man. He then walked towards the large living room, the rest of the Avengers following behind him.

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