Science Bro Drama

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Tony had to leave the room after he learned at what Bruce had done. He wasn't mad he had a daughter, just the risks he had taken to find her.

And imagine the words going through his mind when Bruce spun the bottle and it landed on him.

To be honest, the shy man was a little scared because he had upset his bestfriend (auto-correct said boyfriend, it's meant to be) and he didn't want to ruin the friendship even more. Oh, how Karma hated him.

Tony rolled his eyes as Bruce asked him a question, and then refused to do it. Damn, how stubborn was he? The duo did a few shots, and Tony being Tony, he was already drunk.

Bruce went to take a walk around the tower when an intoxicated Tony started following him. It wasn't till they were by the labs when Bruce noticed the man staggering behind him.

"Tony?" Bruce asked him but said person put a finger of his lips. "Slush Bruce." Tony slurred. "I was a complete..whas da word. That thing that hurts after eating too much Mexican, I was that thing."

Tony had been leaning against the door frame until he suddenly fell down. Bruce chuckled as he picked up his bestfriend and set him down on a couch he had in his lab incase one of them had fell asleep.

"Oh how I love you, your like a brother of mine. I do love you, but at what cost?" Bruce said as he headed back towards the living room.

Tony smiled as he drifted to sleep, Bruce's words replaying in his mind.

-authors note before you kill me-

I know I said I would try to update during the summer, and it's the end of the first week of school. I have a valid excuse.

A.) We drove during the night going to and from Iowa.
B.) We had plans through out the entire week.
C.) The living hell called school has left me tired.

I actually started this yesterday morning  waiting for school to start, and I'm gonna start working on some request, and I'll dedicate the chapter to whoever requested it as it was their idea.

I'm going back to sleep. Peace

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