Hulk vs Reindeer (Romance addition)

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After Pietro and Clint sat down, Loki spoke up for the first time during that game.

"Well, this is utter crap, Stark. Is this what you imbeciles call fun?" As he finished his statement, he started to stand up to leave.

Tony and Clint rushed to sit Loki down, because Loki is freaking awesome, whereas the others looked like they couldn't care less, especially Bruce. "Ok, to show Loki that this is not a waste of time, he is going next." Clint said.

Loki rolled his eyes and spun the empty glass bottle. All eyes fell upon the neck of the bottle as it stopped in front of Bruce.

"Are you absolutely kidding me?" The man questioned as the god tapped his finger tips together. "Banner, is it not true that you have a biological daughter  that you discovered in another dimension?" The god asked with a smile.

The room fell dangerously silent as Tony looked at Bruce suspiciously. "You didn't, did you." Tony whispered.

"Loki, you sick man, yes I did." Bruce started before Tony erupted.

"Bruce, that was f*cking dangerous not only for us but for New York. You could've created a black hole and, you are no longer my science bro." Rambled Tony as Thor rubbed his back.

Bruce glared at Loki. "How did you know about that, anyway?" Loki glanced at the wall as he said, "I may had hid undercover for a while as a scientist."

Other than Thor being bewildered at the information and Tony bro fisting Loki, no one took in the news to heart. Bruce stood up to retrieve the shot glasses, and instead of handing one to Loki, he drank both.

Loki retrieved both glasses from the doctor and set them back on the platter on which they had been placed. He then grabbed the doctor by the shoulders and stood him up and kissed him on the cheek gently.

"Still a bit boring, but I won't mind to play a few more rounds." Loki stated.

Tony and Clint whooped and hollered, Steve messed around on a phone with Natasha supervising, and Bruce sat on the floor blushing as he updated his mental tally chart.

Loki - 1
Bruce - 1

Page Break

That picture had nothing to do with the chapter, I just found it on Pinterest and thought it was amusing. Also, I watched a bunch of PewDiePie so I had to incorporate a brofist.
Enjoy your day and whatever weather you are reciving

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