Chapter 3

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We had been on the road for a while, searching houses and other buildings along the way. I gave the signal to pull into a long abandoned parking lot to a stop and shop that looks like it hasn't been to badly picked over, at least not from the outside. 

There was only one roamer in the parking lot and after getting off my bike I took care of that one quickly with the compound bow I kept with me on runs for the silent kills that it offers. I walked over to the rotting corpse and yanked my arrow out of its eye. Hearing Ever's footsteps behind me, I turned.

"So what's the plan?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips and surveying the area, ponytail swinging with the slight breeze that the evening was bringing.

I looked around, and not seeing any biters right off hand I decided it was pretty safe around here, at least for a moment. "Well, we should check out this shop. Its not to big and it doesn't look to warn down so we might be able to bed down here for the night if this takes to long."

She nodded slowly and looked around again. Axel and Boomer sauntered up beside us then.

"So how we gonna do this?" Boomer questioned.

"Same way we always do it, Boomer. Nice and slow, keep it safe. We will split up once we go inside. Ever, you're with Boomer. Axel, you're stuck with me. Clear it out. Once we know that there isn't anything inside, dead or alive, then we can start lookin' at the merchandise." I said with a smirk at the last bit. "Any objections?"

Everyone shook their heads. 

I nodded and took my bow from where it was resting in its position on my back.

We all walked up to the door and split into our respective pairs on either side of the door. I took the end of my bow and rapped on the door to draw whatever was inside to it. We gave it a few minutes and then I opened one door, revealing four biters who spilled out fast as we backed up a few steps. 

I shot the one closest to me in the head and quickly notched another arrow. As the others were taking the remaining three down I saw one approaching Ever, her back turned. Before I could fire the roamer stopped its advance and fell to the ground.

Just in the shadow of the doorway I could make out the silhouette of a person and they didn't seem to be wanting to come any closer. 

I aimed my readied arrow at the new threat, "Lower your weapon!" I said edging closer as I spoke. Ever, Axel and Boomer raised their weapons, now producing small pistols in place of the bowie knives they were using just a minute before.

"I said lower your weapon and exit the building slowly with your hands up!"

The mystery person did just that, taking the hand they held the knife with and placing it on the ground, stepping closer afterwards. The man, now out of the shadows, didn't look to be much of a threat. He had a smaller build, but not as small as say a teenager. He had shaggy brown hair and looked to be about 25, maybe thirty.

"Please, I don't mean any harm. I just saw that geek come up on your friend there and decided to, I don't know, lend a hand?" The man said, his voice a little strained and breathless, probably from the fear and adrenaline.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked

"Look lady, if I wanted to hurt you four then it would have already happened."

"Listen asshole, the lady asked you a question." Axel said pointing his pistol a little straighter at the guy.

"My name is Jackson, but most people call me Jax. We was just passin' through, decided to check this place out. Guess we missed a few of those creeps when we were clearing this place out for the night."

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